Promoting understanding of our contemporary human world

We are the national academy of academics, practitioners and learned societies in social science. The sector’s leading independent voice in the UK, we champion the vital role social sciences play in education, government and business.

Should the 9 to 5 be a thing of the past? with Clare Kelliher and Brendan Burchell

In episode 4 of season 7 of the We Society podcast, host Will Hutton is joined by Professor Brendan Burchell and Professor Clare Kelliher FAcSS to discuss the changing landscape of work culture including work-life balance, the benefits of shorter workweeks on productivity and wellbeing, and the challenges faced by gig economy workers.

Beyond the ballot: social science insights on eight key policy challenges

Our new report showcases a breadth of social science-based research, ideas and evidence relevant to addressing some of the country’s political and social challenges, many of which are relevant to the UK Government’s policy agenda.

Academy publishes social science research funding summary data report

The Academy of Social Sciences has published a new report which summarises the scale and trends in research funding for the social sciences across UK higher education. Drawing largely on published annual Higher Education Statistics Authority research funding data between 2013/14 and 2021/22, the report provides insight into the quantity, distribution and change over time of research funding for the social science sector as a whole and across disciplines within it.

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The Campaign for Social Science demonstrates how social science improves public policy, society and all our lives. Discover more about its activities and supporters and find out how you can get involved.

Our Impact

Striving for successful outcomes and impact underpins all our work. Our impact influences how well social sciences are understood, flourish in academia, and used beyond. Ultimately this enhances decision-making, society and social science.

Our work to ‘promote social science in the UK for public benefit’ is guided by our strategy. We inform and advocate to enhance and safeguard social science; we showcase its importance and use; we facilitate knowledge exchange to policy on issues of national importance; we foster multi-disciplinary approaches and innovation.

We inspire diverse future generations of students; and we recognise excellence, convene and connect individuals and organisations.  In short, we are a strong independent voice for social science and we champion its many applications in creating a better society.


Our human world is changing rapidly. Many of the great challenges we face are caused by humans and their solutions rest with humans.  The list is long, from population demographics, climate change and sustainability, to COVID-19, levelling-up, social inclusion, and much more.

It is vital that we understand the dynamics, interactions, and what works in managing societal challenges. It is equally as vital that we have informed citizens. Social science with its analysis and understanding of society, economy, people and place is fundamental to both and to a sustainable, stable and more equitable future.

The Academy draws on the expertise of 1500 Fellows for knowledge and inspiration. It works collaboratively with 48 Member Social Science Societies each representing a discipline, sub-discipline or interdisciplinary area. This is a powerful collective voice for social science and an influential network and resource.

As a charity we are governed by an elected Council of Fellows, advised by four expert committees, and core funded by member subscriptions and Campaign sponsorship.