By Professor Anthony Crook CBE FAcSS (Professor Emeritus of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield)
John was an outstanding social scientist as well as a chartered planner and a chartered surveyor. This rare combination of qualifications and talents enabled him to make
major contributions to concepts, policies and practices in the use of economic instruments to achieve planning policy outcomes, especially his work on planning obligations and land taxation. His eclectic approach to knowledge enabled him to work alongside engineers (e.g. on risk in floodplain management) and scientists (e.g. on improving bio diversity on new developments) as well as a wide range of social scientists. His research output was reflected in many prizes and awards,including the Royal Town Planning Institute’s award for Research Excellence. He was also a good citizen of his university and subject, serving as head of department and as Dean at the University of Sheffield, chairing committees and workling parties of both of his professional institutes, and serving on ESRC grant committees. Above all he was a very collegial colleague always willing to help and support and placing service to others before himself. He will be sorely missed by all who had the good fortune to work with him but who also know he will live on through the major contributions he made to knowledge and practiuce in his chosen professions and disciplines..
John Henneberry died of a heart attack on 28th July 2021, leaving behind his widow Rosemary, their two sons and partners, and a grandson much longed for and born shortly after John’s death