Congratulations to Professor John Scott and Professor Imogen Tyler who were announced as Trustees of the Academy of Social Science’s Council at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) earlier today.
Professor John Scott CBE was appointed to the Academy’s Council, taking up the role of Chair of the Nominations Committee, succeeding Professor Gill Valentine. John is a former Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research at the University of Plymouth and previously worked at the Universities of Essex, Leicester, and Strathclyde. He is Chair of the Sociology Section and a member of the Governing Council of the British Academy. He was awarded a CBE in 2013 for ‘services to social science’.
On his new position on the Academy’s Council, John said: “Having been a Fellow of the Academy since 2003 and a member of their Academic Fellow Search Committee, I know first-hand the important work of the Academy and its Fellowship in advocating for the social sciences. I am very much looking forward to getting started in my new role.”
Professor Imogen Tyler is Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University. Her research focuses on inequalities of poverty, class, race, gender, disability and citizenship, and she has extensive experience in academic leadership and working with community groups, national organisations and charitable trusts. Imogen is a Trustee of the Poverty Truth Network, an executive board member of Lancaster Black History Group and a member of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation ‘Stigma and Poverty Design Team’.
Reflecting on her election to the Academy’s Council, Imogen said: “I’m delighted to have the opportunity to support and shape the future direction of the Academy, during this challenging period for the social sciences in the UK.”
John and Imogen join 19 existing members of Council who are responsible for the governance of the Academy. The Council is chaired by the President and comprises 21 members, most of whom are Fellows. We thank our outgoing members of Council for their hard work and dedication to the Academy.