ESRC launches £6 million call for new research programme in education

Today ESRC is launching a £6 million call for a new research programme in education led by Professor Gemma Moss, Programme Director.

This is an exciting and unique opportunity to be part of an ambitious new programme of research that will strive to make a difference to education in the UK.

ESRC will fund research projects that will collectively build new interdisciplinary research capacity in education, around two interrelated priority themes:

  • teaching and learning, focusing on the role of teachers, their training, supply and retention
  • uses of technology in teaching and learning.

Projects are expected to:

  • involve joint working with practitioners, policymakers and other stakeholders to bridge boundaries between research, policy and practice in new ways
  • consider various aspects of local, regional and national contexts that help determine what works, for whom, in what circumstances and why
  • address issues in policy and practice that are relevant to the devolved nature of primary and secondary education in the UK and the different priorities of the four nations and jurisdictions of the UK.

The full economic cost of a project can be between £400,000 and £850,000. ESRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost. The projects must start on 1 December 2022 and can last up to three years.

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