Campaign for Social Science launches Election 24: ideas for change based on social science evidence

Social science perspectives will be vital in informing policy debates ahead of a likely UK General Election next year. To support the development of evidence-based policy discussions, the Campaign for Social Science is today launching a new project to foreground the social sciences in informing policies across the political spectrum and showcasing research evidence relevant to public policy.

Election 24: ideas for change based on social science evidence, draws on the expertise of distinguished social scientists, many of whom are Fellows of the Academy, to identify positive and constructive policy suggestions on many key policy areas including the cost-of-living crisis; climate change and living standards; health and social care; immigration; and higher education, amongst others.

Our new Election 24 hub pulls together a range of comment pieces from Academy Fellows and other social scientists on many key themes, including initial pieces from Professor Alison Anderson on how the education system can help to fight the climate crisis, Professor Chris Millward on why we need a standing commission to break the deadlock in higher education, and Dr Edward Jones on how history shows the way to save the high street. More pieces will be published on a regular basis over the coming months.

Throughout autumn we will also be holding a range of online and in-person events, in collaboration with Campaign supporters, which focus on what social science research and evidence suggest the direction of future policy could take. These include:

  • Reducing health inequalities – from evidence to policy, Tuesday 17 October, 9.15am-10.15am, online. In this webinar, Professor Trish Greenhalgh, University of Oxford, and Professor Petra Meier, University of Glasgow, will explore the UK’s health inequalities, from the initial creation of health problems through to accessing the services needed to treat them, as well as how policy in other sectors can impact people’s health and create health inequalities. Register now.
  • Migration: the research, the polling and the politics, Wednesday 25 October, 1pm-2pm, online. In this webinar, join Professor Heaven Crawley, Professor Paul Whitehouse, Lord David Blunkett and Dr Heather Rolfe as they shine a light on what academic research tells us about migration within a UK context, whilst also highlighting what the public think about the topic and the considerations which inform politics and policy-making on migration. Register now.
  • Celebrating lifelong wellbeing in Wales, Thursday 26 October, 4pm-5pm, Cardiff. In this event, experts from Cardiff University, Swansea University and Bangor University offer thought-provoking research insights to demonstrate how the social sciences contribute to enhancing the lifelong wellbeing of the nation. Register now.
  • Still on track for net zero? Domestic and international challenges in climate policy, Tuesday 14 November, 2pm-4pm, University of Glasgow. Two years on from COP26 in Glasgow, and ahead of the next COP in the United Arab Emirates, where do we stand in the UK and internationally on the transition to net zero? Is sufficient progress being made in public policy to limit the increase in global warming to 1.5°? Our keynote speaker, Chris Stark, Chief Executive of the UK Climate Change Committee, will share his thoughts on the challenges ahead. This will be followed by a panel of social scientists and industry representatives, as well as audience Q&A. Register now.
  • Election 24: can we achieve sustainable growth?, Thursday 23 November, 6pm-7.30pm, Southampton. A roundtable style presentation hosted by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Southampton. The event will take place in Southampton City Centre with a panel of local journalists, politicians and academics (to be announced). There will be an opportunity for attendees to submit questions to the panel in advance. Register now.

Other events coming up this autumn as part of this project include this year’s Campaign Annual Sage Lecture on Tuesday 28 November, which will be delivered by Professor Gary Younge, University of Manchester; and on Thursday 30 November, Liam Byrne MP will deliver a public lecture on wealth inequality at a University of Birmingham event supported by the Campaign and its Election 24 project. Further details for both events will be made available on the Election 24 hub in due course.

More information on related events being held next year, will be available on the Election 24 hub later this autumn.

Explore the Election 24 hub