Queen Mary, University of London Emeritus Professor of Public Management
Areas of Expertise:Political judgment, decision-making in governing executives, public management, international regulation, neo-Durkheimian institutional theory
University of Aberdeen Director of the Centre for Global Development
Areas of Expertise:Gender, feminism, East Africa, wellbeing and quality of life, social quality, socio-economic development, democratisation, critical realism, mixed methods, poverty and inequality, globalisation
Areas of Expertise:Social psychology, study of group processes, social group dynamics, equality and human rights, gerontology, social exclusion and prejudice, intergroup contact
University of Glasgow Emeritus Professor in Urban Studies
Areas of Expertise:State-market relations in land and property, especially planning and land reform, real estate developers, speculative housebuilders, brownfield redevelopment, and place quality
University of Edinburgh Professor of Socio-Legal Studies
Areas of Expertise:Socio-legal studies, social policy, public law, administrative justice, discrete policy, penal policy, politics of the welfare state, socio-political theory
University of Nottingham Professor of English Language and Linguistics
Areas of Expertise:English language, linguistics, applied linguistics, discourse analysis, pragmatics, corpus linguistics, multimodality, digital humanities, e-language, sociolinguistics, language and location, language identity
Areas of Expertise:Gender, sexuality and education, sexual and reproductive health, inclusion, recognition and justice, wellbeing and rights, culture, health and sexuality, international development
Areas of Expertise:Racism and ethnicity, health care, ethnicity and health, family based care, chronic illness, disability studies, health inequalities, British Muslims
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Director for Analysis and Data
Areas of Expertise:Cost-benefit analysis, housing/homelessness, levelling up, local government/local public services, national and local economic growth, policy and programme evaluation, private and public sector productivity
University of Oxford Director, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative
Areas of Expertise:Multidimensional poverty measurement and analysis, gross national happiness and well-being measurement, Amartya Sen's capability approach, gender, empowerment, inequality
McKinsey & Company Director of Research and Economics
Areas of Expertise:Economic policy, productivity, innovation, technology adoption, labour markets, automation, future of work, organisational behaviour, quantitative methods
London School of Economics & Political Science Professor in Development Anthropology
Areas of Expertise:Developmental anthropology, international development, international criminal justice, non-formal accountability mechanisms, forced migration, reintegration following displacements, war & conflict aid, Africa
Areas of Expertise:Cultural & social geography, race historiography and critiques of humanism in postcolonial perspective, Australia's contemporary urban cultural diversity in trans-Asian context
University College London (UCL) Professor of Early Childhood Education
Areas of Expertise:Early childhood education, early learning and development, social inequality, international policy and practice, interdisciplinary and socially-relevant research, children's learning and education
University of New South Wales Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Professor of Politics
Areas of Expertise:Comparative politics, gender equality, representation, public policy, gender politics, parliamentary studies, political representation of women in British politics, gendered policy
University of Roehampton Professor Emeritus in Sociology and Social Justice
Areas of Expertise:Sociology & social justice, ethnicity, nationalism, social divisions & intersectionality, social and collective identities, identify and belonging, multiculturalism, political identities
University of Manchester Professor of Health Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, public health, mental health, Covid-19 response, social theory, public health & psychology, medical, intervention targeting, public health policy, education
University College London (UCL) Vice-Provost Education & Student Experience
Areas of Expertise:Professional development, lifelong learning, pedagogy, theory-practice, physical activity, sport and education, digital technologies and learning
Areas of Expertise:Economic geography, regional & local economic disparities, regional economic policy, EU cohesion policy, economics of small states, island economies
King's College London Professor of Developmental Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Longitudinal research, mental health and wellbeing, risk and protective factors, social relationships, bullying victimization, childhood maltreatment, loneliness
Areas of Expertise:Labour, equality, race and colonialism, regions (European Union, African Union), trade and development, economic sociology of law, law and humanities
Areas of Expertise:Organisational behaviour, emotions in the workplace, leadership, organisational and national culture, ethical behaviour, office design, sustainability
University of the West of England Professor of Feminist Theory
Areas of Expertise:Feminist philosophy, philosophy of Kierkegaad, human rights theory, materialism, Zoroastrianism, international relations, political Marxism, the concept of anxiety & Kant
Region:South West
Discipline:Politics & International Relations
Professor Sheena AsthanaFAcSS
University of Plymouth Professor of Health Policy
Areas of Expertise:Health services, NHS, health inequality, health resource allocation, eHealth, social prescribing, formula funding, public health, applied statistics, epidemiology, big data
Indian Institute of Technology Professor of Technology Strategy
Areas of Expertise:Technology strategy, economics of innovation, international economics, globalisation, development, multinational business, intellectual property, strategy, operations, entrepreneurship, business development planning, modernisation
Region:Rest Of The World
Discipline:Business & Management
Professor Karl M AtkinFAcSS
University of York Professor in Health Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Medical sociology, disability, family care, inequalities and healthcare
Areas of Expertise:Politics, parliamentary studies, internationalisation, regional policy, rise & significance of ‘new agenda’, ideas of wellbeing in policy, wellbeing in politics
University of Strathclyde Professor of European Policy Studies & Director, European Policies Research Centre
Areas of Expertise:Policy, European policy, regional & industrial European development, economic development, EU structural & cohesion politics, EU political integration & enlargement
University of Birmingham Professor of Business Economics
Areas of Expertise:Business economics, Brexit, industrial & regional policy, automotive industry, reshoring & ‘home-sourcing’ in manufacturing, Industry 4.0 implications on economic industry
King's College London Professor of Work and Employment
Areas of Expertise:Meaningful work, callings, temporality at work, craft, employee engagement, organisational purpose, strategic human resource management
Areas of Expertise:Operations & information management, management, technology management, manufacturing management disciplines, product-services systems, servitization of manufacturing, engineering, technology development, business
Monash University Professor & Director, International Consortium for Research in Employment & Work
Areas of Expertise:Management, employment, business research, human resources, international & comparative employment relations, institutional responses to global crisis, regulating employment relations, work
Areas of Expertise:Comparative political behaviour, media & political communication, feminist theory, inequality in political participation, institutionalisation, political engagement, voting, political theory, participation
University of Glasgow Professor of Cultural Economy
Areas of Expertise:Culture, creative industries, sociology, social-justice, visual arts, popular culture, creative economy, ecological politics, transitional cultural economies, cultural & media economies
Manchester Metropolitan University Professor of Criminology
Areas of Expertise:Urban studies, criminology, social control, deviance, policy making, quotative methods, urban disorder, civil respect & tolerance in the public realm
University of Exeter Professor of Family Law and Policy
Areas of Expertise:Law, policy, family law, cohabitation & marriage, dispute resolution trends, family justice, role of relationship education, socio-legal policy research, relationships
University College London (UCL) Emeritus Professor of Higher Education
Areas of Expertise:Philosophy of higher education, higher education policy, curriculum development, pedagogical framework, understanding academic leadership, history and comparative study of universities
University of Westminster Professor of Communications
Areas of Expertise:Journalism, democracy, political communication, regulation, media ownership, public service broadcasting, BBC, journalism ethics, media plurality, net neutrality, platform regulation
University of Surrey Emeritus Professor of Psychology
Areas of Expertise:The development of young people's democratic competence, intercultural competence and global competence, citizenship education, intercultural education, global citizenship education
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Psychology (social & behavioural)
Professor Michèle BarrettFAcSS
Queen Mary, University of London Professor of Modern Literary and Cultural Theory
Areas of Expertise:English, modern literary & cultural theory, Virginia Woolf, politics of imperialism in Woolf, shell shock, WW1, colonial politics of WW1
University College London (UCL) Professor of Human Geography
Areas of Expertise:Science and technology studies, politics, chemical geography, social theory, evidence, infrastructure, environment, the Anthropocene, Europe, the Caucasus
Areas of Expertise:Education, curriculum design, academic quality, technology enhanced learning, student engagement, video-based discourse analysis, aspects of professional development through education, professionalism
University of Liverpool Emeritus Professor of Town and Regional Planning
Areas of Expertise:Town and regional planning, regional science, demographic-economic modelling, history of planning methodology, geodemographics, river basin management
Northumbria University Professor of FinTech History and Global Trade
Areas of Expertise:Business, economic history, Latin America, Spain, computer technology, retail banking, cashless economy, globalisation, international trade, global emergence of FinTech, economics
University College London (UCL) Professorial Research Associate
Areas of Expertise:Geography, advanced spatial analyses, built environment, science of cities, structural dynamics of urban development, city planning, computer modelling, urban simulation
University of Exeter Co-Director of the Centre for Research in Professional Learning, Professor of Professional Learning
Areas of Expertise:Professional learning, policy in practice, international perspectives on professional development in education, school-university partnerships, cross-departmental development, education, education professionals
The Open University Director of the Centre for Research and Innovation in Online Business Education
Areas of Expertise:Digital leadership, online learning, online teaching, education governance, education leadership, digital skills, digital learning, digital teaching, remote teaching, theory of learning
Areas of Expertise:Economics, technology, innovation, application of game theory, microeconomics, taxation & public finance, industrial economics, public funding, private funding, economic development
University of Bristol Professor of International Management
Areas of Expertise:Economic geography, financial geography, knowledge economy, professional services, FinTech, urban studies, skilled migration, world cities, City of London
University Of South Australia Executive Dean, Business
Areas of Expertise:Housing, ageing, regional studies, place leadership, place based policy, economic restructuring, structural adjustment, automotive industry, plant closure, agency
Areas of Expertise:Education, social housing, department of education, school inspection, public policy analysis, administration, higher education, education management, board of advisers, policy
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Professor of Management
Areas of Expertise:Management, tourism, economic planning, regional smart specialisation, industrial policy, local & regional development, business support services, place branding, urban tourism
Western Sydney University Emeritus Professor in Social and Cultural Theory
Areas of Expertise:Cultural sociology/cultural studies, museum and heritage studies, sociology of art and literature, cultural policy, cultural capital studies, history and theories of culture
King's College London Executive Dean of the Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy and Professor of Environment, Society and Climate
Areas of Expertise:Environment, society, climate, geography, research policy, environmental sustainability, nuclear fuel cycle, technology, policies of sustainability, climate change, systems innovation
University of Oxford Professor of Forced Migration and International Affairs
Areas of Expertise:Politics of refugee assistance, Africa, refugee economies, Syrian refugee crisis, refugee self-reliance, economics of forced migration, social crisis, international relations
Areas of Expertise:Industrial sociology, the experience of work, trade unions, organisational change, historical sociology, social classes, sociology of economics, industrial studies, Wales
Areas of Expertise:Applied economics, skill creation, early childhood development, health, gender studies, econometrics, labour development, historical economics, public economics, developmental economic history
University of Sussex Professor of Historical Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Historical sociology, modernity, social theory, epistemology, postcolonial and decolonial studies, political economy, colonial histories
University of Birmingham Professor of Education and Social Justice
Areas of Expertise:Education, social justice, race & education, minority ethnic groups in education, identity discourse, intersectionality, BME, processes of exclusion, marginalisation, Gypsies
Areas of Expertise:Public services, civil servant, parliament, employment, education, modernising, information technology, education policy, social security, social care, living standards, British politics
University of Leeds Professor of Spatial Analysis and Policy
Areas of Expertise:Spatial analysis, spatial policy, consumer data research centre, simulating social & demographic development, urbanisation, regional development, housing, infrastructure, GIS, microsimulation
University of Cambridge Emeritus Reader in Sociology and Fellow of Clare College
Areas of Expertise:Work, employment, social inequality, class, status, social stratification, poverty, wealth, gender, vertical and horizontal gender segregation
University of Liverpool Professor of Entrepreneurship
Areas of Expertise:Entrepreneurship, management, small firm job-generation, self-employment, business motivations, strategy, qualitative & quantitative evidence, research agenda, interdisciplinarity, analysis, cross-sector collaboration, business
University of Stirling Professor of Sociolinguistics
Areas of Expertise:Sociolinguistics, communication, development of communication, complex societies, histories, translanguaging in society & education, linguistic ethnography as theory & method, sociology
Imperial College London Professor of Medical Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Social class differences in mortality risk, possible unintended consequences for public health of raising the state pension age, models of the life course in their social history context
University College London (UCL) Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Education
Areas of Expertise:Social developmental factors influencing learning in schools, directed research on class size, teaching assistants, collaborative group work and peer relations
Region:Greater London
Professor Alice BlochFAcSS
University of Manchester Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, holocaust, memory, memorialization, intergenerational storytelling, genealogy of holocaust tattoos, cross-generational memory, private & public memorialization, emotions, refugees, forced migration
Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies Research Professor in Sociolinguistics
Areas of Expertise:Sociolinguistics, neoliberalism, capitalism, class inequality & welfare, internationalisation & ‘Englishization’, neoliberalization of societies, framing 21st century identity, Marxism, materialism, intersectionality
Queen Mary, University of London Professor of Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, migration, Covid-19, the spatial politics of the home, human geography, temporalities of home & city, urban geographies, domestic geography
University of Sussex Professor of Child, Youth and Family Studies
Areas of Expertise:Child & family dynamics, family policy, cross-national, ethics & governance, social work, policy, administration, psychology, sociology, childhood & youth, education
University of Exeter Emeritus Professor of History
Areas of Expertise:History, banking, the computerisation of British banking, management, technical change, economic development, history of domestic economics, banking structures, historical finance
Dublin City University Professor of Organizational Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, work & organisational psychology, leadership, women & leadership, employee well-being in organisations, systemic & system-focused coaching, human resource, management
University of Johannesburg Distinguished Visiting Professor
Areas of Expertise:Politics, political philosophy, international relations, African political thought, colonialism, decolonisation, post-colonial studies, modern political theory, historical international relations, theory, philosophy
Areas of Expertise:Modern history, British business, economics, financial history, commercial development, corporate governance, maritime & military imperial history, British East India Company
Discipline:History (social & economic)
Professor Alison BowesFAcSS
University of Stirling Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Ageing, dementia, home design, inclusion, adult social care, unpaid care, evidence into practice, intergenerational relations
University of Aberdeen Principal and Vice-Chancellor
Areas of Expertise:Education, administration, public sector organisations, organisational structure, leadership, housing policies, Welsh government, special equality, urbanisation, public sector, investment, structural change
University of the West of England Professor Emerita of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, women’s employment, young people, class inequalities, gender inequalities, minority ethnic women, trade unions, transitions from school to work, gender
Region:South West
Professor Anthony BradneyFAcSS
Keele University Emeritus Professor of Law
Areas of Expertise:Law and religion, university legal education, law and popular culture, legal systems
Areas of Expertise:Geopolitical economy of global energy, human geography, economics, sustainability, energy dilemmas, climate change, fuel security, economic globalisation, political geography, business
Areas of Expertise:Dealing with inequalities of race, gender, class, ethnicity. Identities, employment/unemployment especially relating to youth. Theorising intersectionality.
University of Cambridge Emeritus Professor of Education
Areas of Expertise:Education, educational development, philosophy of education, Ethiopia, administration, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, global education programs, cultural education, socio-economic inequalities in education, policy
Region:East Of England
Professor Stephen BriggsFAcSS
University of East London Professor of Social Work and Director of the Centre for Social Work Research
Areas of Expertise:Social work, psychotherapy, adolescent mental health, self-harm and suicide prevention, addiction, alcohol abuse, growth, working with adolescence, generational challenges, prevention
University of East London Professor & Head of the Centre for Geo-Information Studies
Areas of Expertise:Geoinformation, information studies, security, policing, data protection, statistical reporting, GIS environmental modelling, cyber supply chain attacks, big data, risk analysis
Cardiff University Professor of Economic Geography
Areas of Expertise:Regional economic development, local and regional economic resilience, regional governance, economic development policy, devolution finance, city-region development, place competitiveness
Royal Holloway, University of London Emerita Professor of Accounting
Areas of Expertise:Public sector, performance management, dysfunctions of performance measurement, PFI, gendered aspects of accounting, interdisciplinary and qualitative research approaches
University of Oxford Professor of Economic History
Areas of Expertise:Economic growth from 1000 to the present, The Great Divergence of productivity and living standards, historical national accounting, economics of warfare
Areas of Expertise:Social work, child & family justice, children’s services, household dynamics, law, data science, ethical data, controlled research, data security, protection
University of Edinburgh Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities
Areas of Expertise:Feminist studies, professionalism, cultural theory, gendered work, culture, attitudes to gender, global inequalities, transmigration, identity, popular culture, intercultural perspectives, politics
University of Edinburgh Emeritus Professor of Politics
Areas of Expertise:Politics, economics, Scottish politics, justice & tribunals, public policy, education, equality, social welfare, gender, women in education, gender & power
Discipline:Politics & International Relations
Professor Alison BrownFAcSS
Cardiff University Professor of Urban Planning and International Development
Cardiff University Distinguished Research Professor in Social Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Digital futures of work, jobs, education, digital innovation, digital technologies, the future of work, artificial intelligence, employability, forecasting, employment revolution
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
University of Southern California Provost Professor of Public Policy, Psychology, and Behavioural Science
Areas of Expertise:Behavioural psychology, risk perception, communication, health & behavioural psychology, perceptions of climate change, sustainability, financial decision making, intervention, communication sciences
University of Birmingham Professor of Enterprise and Economic Geography
Areas of Expertise:Behavioural psychology, risk perception, communication, health & behavioural psychology, perceptions of climate change, sustainability, financial decision making, intervention, communication sciences
Nomura International Chief UK and Euro Area economist and Executive Director
Region:South East
Professor Peter J BuckleyOBE FAcSS
University of Manchester Professor of International Business
Areas of Expertise:International business
Region:North West
Discipline:Business & Management
Professor Leslie BuddFAcSS
The Open University Professor of Regional Economy
Areas of Expertise:Regional and urban economics; urban mobilities; socioeconomic evaluation of space exploration; economic impacts of Brexit; Just transitions and social innovation
Durham University Professor in the Department of Geography
Areas of Expertise:Climate change, environmental governance, urban sustainability, cities, energy transitions, decarbonisation, global environmental policy, biodiversity, justice
University of Sheffield Emeritus Professor of Politics
Areas of Expertise:European Politics, European & German political economies, Brexit, international politics, political theory, international relations, economics, trade, finance, negotiation, EU dynamics
University of Auckland Professor of Gerontology, Co-Director of the Centre for Co-created Ageing Research
Areas of Expertise:Social gerontology, social & intergenerational relationships, networks, loneliness, migration, place attachment, rurality, supported living, social-cultural exclusion, social model of dementia
Areas of Expertise:Feminist criminology, violence against women and girls, criminal justice, punishment of women, women and girls in conflict with the law
Areas of Expertise:Systemic psychotherapy, psychology, therapy, consultation, adolescent, family psychology, developmental psychology, training, consultation, social theory, family dynamics, trauma, treatment, relationship therapy
University of Essex Professor, Department of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Clinical psychology, family planning, sociology of fertility, historical fertility, psychiatry & mental illness, madness, gender and madness, healthcare, mental illness
Areas of Expertise:Social work, medicine & life sciences, abuse, childhood, counselling, scandal, lives and welfare of caregivers, trauma, welfare, social marketing, violence
Region:South West
Discipline:Social Work
Professor Kenneth ButtonFAcSS
George Mason University Professor of Public Policy
Areas of Expertise:Public policy, transport policy, transport economics, transport planning, environmental analysis, industrial organisation, aerospace policy, air transport, Brexit, EU transport policy
Lancaster University Emeritus Professor, Department of Linguistics and English Language
Areas of Expertise:English language, linguistics, language in education, language development, repetition in linguistic education, oral second language proficiency & development, modern language
Royal Society for Public Health Professorial Fellow
Areas of Expertise:Public mental health, school health, population studies
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Health Sciences (social)
Dame Frances CairncrossDBE CBE FAcSS
University of Oxford Economist, Journalist and Academic and Honorary Fellow of Exeter College
Areas of Expertise:Economics, journalism, British journalism, print media, economic & social research, business, environment & public policy, politics, policy, economic analysis, education
Queen's University Belfast Professor Emeritus of Medieval Economic History
Areas of Expertise:Economic history, medieval economic history, thirteenth & fourteenth century, environmental economic history, social & economic development, British economic history, currency
Cabinet Office Government Economist and Policy Adviser
Areas of Expertise:Economics, public policy, Defra, welfare and public interests, analysis & delivery strategy, civil service, government policy prioritisation, logistics, public health
University of Bristol Professor of Public Health Research
Areas of Expertise:Public health research, multiple risk behaviour in adolescence, health promotion in education, methodological research, social & behavioural theory in practice
Federal University Of Minas Gerais Emeritus Professor in Economics
Areas of Expertise:Regional economy, economic development, technology economics, Brazilian economy, economics, econometrics, economic development strategies, economic developmental theory, social & economic theory
Ulster University Professor of Public Policy and Government
Areas of Expertise:Devolution, regional and local government, policy in Northern Ireland and the UK generally and comparatively, including the civil service and wider public sector
University College London (UCL) Professor of Planning and Urban Design
Areas of Expertise:Architecture, design policies, design coding, urban design & planning, public space management, London, governance of design, environment impacts, urban policy
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, theoretical criminology, imprisonment, psychology of torture, impacts of suffering, shared trauma in society, human dynamics, history, social trauma theory
University of Manchester Professor in Statistical Literacy
Areas of Expertise:Work, experiential learning, quantitative research methods, statistical literacy, data literacy, data skills, higher education policy
Region:North West
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
University of Bristol Professor of Political Theory
Areas of Expertise:Politics, political theory, Marxism, philosophy, methodology of social science, global geopolitics, globalization, contemporary political theory, historical theory analysis, socioeconomic theory
Durham University Executive Dean of Durham University Business School
Areas of Expertise:Business, leadership, organisational psychology, qualitative research methodologies, human relations, human resource management, organisational strategy, strategy management, corporate structural psychology, education
Durham University Director, Durham Research Methods Centre and Co-Director, Wolfson Institute for Health and Wellbeing
Areas of Expertise:Complexity theory, computational modelling, case-based methods, public health, social determinants of health, clinical psychology, brain health, air pollution, environmental exposure
University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Professor of Society & Environment
Areas of Expertise:Global environmental change, the Anthropocene, science-policy interface, science in society, political economy, neoliberalism, university governance, democracy, public reason
Areas of Expertise:Research funding policy and practice, local governance, principal-agent theory, interactive social science, research/policy interface
Region:North West
Discipline:Politics & International Relations
Professor Gemma CatneyFAcSS
Queen's University Belfast Professor of Human Geography
Areas of Expertise:Economics, economic & social aspects of genomics, ethics & new technologies, genomics, biobanking, personalised medicine, ethical debates, social issues, debate
Institute of Development Studies Research Associate
Areas of Expertise:International development, biology, history, power dynamics in development, participatory methodologies, epistemology, poverty, stunting, public administration, intergovernmental relations, developmental challenges, sanitation
Newcastle University Emeritus Professor of Population Geography
Areas of Expertise:Human geography, population geography, population change, migration, urban & regional development, urban economics, British socio-demographic profiles, population distribution, cultural geography
The University of Hong Kong Head of the Department of Sociology and Director of the Social Science Research Cetnre
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social health, inequality, longitudinal cohort studies, stress, work & health, public health, epidemiology, sociological theory, micro-sociology, social mobility, ethnicity
Soas, University Of London Professor of Political Economy of Development
Areas of Expertise:Political economy of development, politics, development policy, capitalism, economic theory, technology and development, geopolitics, post COVID-19 economics, monetary policy, finance
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Economics & Econometrics
Professor Christopher ChapmanFAcSS
University of Glasgow Professor of Educational Policy
Areas of Expertise:Education, educational policy, leadership, educational improvement, collaboration, equity, organisation & system reform, government, politics, special educational needs, disabilities in education
Northumbria University Professor of Enterprise and Innovation
Areas of Expertise:Regional innovation policy, universities and regions, knowledge exchange, innovation management, urban and regional development, industrial clusters, levelling up
University of Warwick Director of the Centre for the Study of Women & Gender
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, women & gender, modern social change, gendered political processes, human-animal relations, families, households & kin relationships, feminist social movements
Areas of Expertise:Management, human resources, the future of work, leadership, culture, organisation, people, skills, human capital & organisation consulting, restructuring, business optimisation
The University of Hong Kong Honorary Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Department of Urban Planning
Areas of Expertise:Housing policy, housing sustainability, comparative housing policy in Asia, urban sustainability, compact high-rise cities and livability, age-friendly housing and cities
University of Glasgow Professor of Planning and Urban Studies
Areas of Expertise:Urban studies, housing, planning, real estate, development, housing theory & society, area studies, urbanisation, social theory, social housing impacts, design
Areas of Expertise:Economic geography and finance with focus on the organisation and management of large financial institutions on a global basis in the context of national regulatory regimes
The Open University Emeritus Professor of Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Social policy, cultural studies, anthropology, welfare states, relationships between state & nation, social issues, policy, public & private interests, welfare
Areas of Expertise:Planning, AECOM, urban design, development, sustainable housing, design policy, design strategy, urban regeneration, housing equality, modernisation, town planning, equality, accessibility
Region:Greater London
Ms. Sam ClemensFAcSS
Ipsos Research Director
Region:Greater London
Professor Peter ClinchFAcSS
University College Dublin Jean Monnet Full Professor and Chair of Public Policy
Areas of Expertise:Environmental economics and policy, sustainable economic development, innovation, competitiveness and productivity, shared value and ESG, research and development
University of Sydney Professor of Economic Geography
Areas of Expertise:Economic geography, globalization, global production networks, regional development, work and employment, labour geography, service industries
Hong Kong Baptist University Head of the Department of Government and International Studies
Areas of Expertise:Government, international studies, French, British, European politics, political theory, governance, political trust, comparative politics, regional politics, political legitimacy, political discourse
University College Cork Emeritus Professor, Department of Government & Politics
Areas of Expertise:Politics, government, Chinese politics, Irish politics, political marketing, political regulation, political theory, social reactions to political systems, Chinese political methodology
University of Birmingham Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Regional Engagement and Professor of International Business and Innovation
Areas of Expertise:Business & innovation, strategy, international business, economic development, innovation management, inclusive regional growth, the role of UK universities for growth
University of York Professor in Strategic Management
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, temporal & spatial spread of management ideas, institutions & practices, multi-national institutions, international development, modern development management practices
University of Liverpool Professor of Criminology and Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social policy, criminology, drugs & alcohol, addiction, substance abuse, the machinations of illicit drug markets, nationality, international sociology, theory
University of Manchester 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health
Areas of Expertise:Workplace health & wellbeing, women at work, stress & mental health, organisational behaviour/psychology, working week/hours of work, leadership
Areas of Expertise:Sociolegal and political concepts, radical governance (state and nonstate), gender and feminism, prefigurative politics, everyday utopias, equality, institutions
De Montfort University Emeritus Professor of Local Politics
Areas of Expertise:Central-local relationships, constitutional status of local government, localism, local party politics, local political leadership, changing role of the councillor
Region:East Midlands
Discipline:Politics & International Relations
Emeritus Professor Greville G CorbettFAcSS
University of Surrey Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Linguistics
Areas of Expertise:Linguistics, linguistic typology, linguistic categories (gender, number, case), inflectional morphology
Queen Mary, University of London Professor of Organisation Studies and Associate Dean - People, Culture and Inclusion
Areas of Expertise:Management, organisation studies, associate dean, people, culture, inclusion, social justice, business in society, management practice evolution, emerging economies, organisational development
University of York Professor of Policing and Social Justice
Areas of Expertise:Policing, urban security, crime prevention, community safety, criminal justice, restorative justice, victims of crime and vulnerability, regulation of public space
University of Salford Professor of Cultural Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, cultural sociology, health sciences, culture, audiences, fans, consumption, culture industries, popular culture, societal behaviour, sports fans, gaming, online culture
University of Stirling Professor of Linguistic Ethnography
Areas of Expertise:Education, interpretive sociolinguistics, theory, linguistic anthropology, heteroglossia, translanguaging, superdiversity as ideological orientation to social & linguistic diversity, data collection
The Open University Professor of Education Literacy
Areas of Expertise:Literacy, volitional reading and writing, creativity, creative pedagogies, teachers' and children's literate and artistic identities
University of Oxford Former Master of University College
Areas of Expertise:Politics, government, philosophy, economics, election studies, voting behaviour, political history, partisan dealignment, class dealignment, negative partisanship, election patterns, social behaviour
Swansea University Professor of Digital & Policy and Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor (Civic Mission)
Areas of Expertise:STEM education, digital skills, curriculum reform, digital economy and infrastructure, science and innovation policy, data science, computational social science, intelligent systems, public policy
University of Warwick Vice-Chancellor and President
Areas of Expertise:Strategy, administration, international security, international relations, security studies, American foreign policy, war studies, geopolitics, constructivism, political theory, government, African security
Durham University Visiting Professor in the Business School
Areas of Expertise:Business, skills for care, care & development, medical education, dementia, healthcare for the elderly, aging, paediatrics, social justice, health policy
University of Reading Professor, Institute of Education
Areas of Expertise:Education, special education, statistical analysis, random sampling, British educational studies, economics, social research, mental wellbeing, human development, mental health, distress
Region:South East
Professor Jonathan CrookFAcSS
University of Edinburgh Emeritus Professor of Business Economics
Areas of Expertise:Economics, business, business economics, credit risk modelling, stress testing of consumer credit portfolios, risk modelling, management, private & public finance
University of Bristol Emeritus Professor of Comparative and International Education
Areas of Expertise:Comparative research in education, international education and development, education policy transfer theory, education and environmental development in small island developing states (SIDS)
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, music, music worlds, sociology of music, social networks, network analysis, social theory, relational sociology, relational sociology and social structure
University of Edinburgh Professor of Medical and Family Sociology / Dean of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, health, medical & family sociology, genetics, population health, public health, health policy, molecular health, genetic population patterns, medicinal practice
University of Warwick Professor of Public Management
Areas of Expertise:Public services policy and management, healthcare policy and management, leadership and governance, innovation, strategy, human resource management
Areas of Expertise:Macroeconomist specialising in financial markets. Non-executive director of several FTSE listed funds. Member of the Oversight Board of the UK Office for Budget Responsibility
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Economics & Econometrics
Professor Sarah E CurtisFAcSS
Durham University Professor Emerita, Department of Geography
Areas of Expertise:Research elucidates the socio-geographical processes producing inequalities in physical and mental health over the life course
Areas of Expertise:Higher education policy and practice, teaching and learning in higher education, organizational analysis, ethnic and minority issues, women's issues
Region:Rest Of The World
Professor Gordon DabinettFAcSS
Region:Yorkshire And Humber
Discipline:Regional Studies & Development
Professor Angela DaleOBE FAcSS
University of Manchester Professor Emerita
Areas of Expertise:Quantitative research, secondary analysis of government survey data, women in the workforce
Region:North West
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
Professor Patricia O DaleyFAcSS
University of Oxford Professor of the Human Geography of Africa
Areas of Expertise:Refugees, migration, political and gender-based violence, decolonial and black geographies
Goldman Sachs Managing Director & Co-Head of CEEMEA (Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa) Economics
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Economics & Econometrics
Professor Mary DalyFAcSS
University of Oxford Professor of Sociology and Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social policy, family policy, gender, demographic change, poverty, welfare, social exclusion, social evolution, policy analysis, social sciences, EU policy
Loughborough University Emeritus Professor of Digital Inclusion and Participation
Areas of Expertise:Information management, digital inclusion, participation, behavioural studies, human information usage, strategy, social inclusion, citizen engagement, aging population, sociology, government, politics
University of Nottingham Emeritus Professor of Cultural Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, cultural geography, landscape & environment, maps & aesthetics, history, cartography, European historical cartography, urban geography, historical geography, British landscapes
Areas of Expertise:Community and regional economic development, just transition, land reform and community ownership, Scotland and islands, basic income, Nordic Horizons
Queen Mary, University of London Professor of Development Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, development geography, migration studies, economic geography, finance, food security, work, developmental economics, social issues, global structures, geopolitics, forced migration
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, gender, families, social diversity, inequalities in education, higher education structures, education, feminism, gender equality, adolescence, educational policy, gendered education
Region:Greater London
Professor Bleddyn DaviesOBE FAcSS
University of Oxford Professorial Fellow, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing
Areas of Expertise:Gerontology, equity and efficiency of social care, social care financing systems, comparative social policy, local government policy making and management
Durham University Professor in the Study of Religion
Areas of Expertise:Theology, religion, sociology of religion, anthropology of religion, Mormon religion, death & belief, ritual, emotions, human responses to religion, mortality
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
Professor Howard DavisFAcSS
Bangor University Emeritus Professor of Social Theory and Institutions
Areas of Expertise:Social theory, institutions, social theories of culture & creativity, cultural formations, transitions in post-soviet societies, regional identity, national and international
University of Cambridge KPMG Professor Emeritus of Management Studies
Areas of Expertise:Management, education, leadership, organisational change, technology transfer, knowledge sharing, health management, health policy, business policy, organisational theory, management theory, systems
University of Birmingham Professor of Regional Economic Development
Areas of Expertise:Knowledge economy, innovation, and technological change; innovation systems, clusters, and industrial districts; regional development and competitiveness; Innovation and regional policy.
University of Leeds Emeritus Professor of Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Social policy, welfare reform, welfare policy, Britain, United States, human nature, conservative party politics, government, behavioural studies, climate change policy
University College London (UCL) Professor of Economics and Social Statistics
Areas of Expertise:Economics, social statistics, social research, data, quantitative technique, education, labour markets, company performance, higher education, childcare, schooling, ethnicity, social development
Royal Holloway, University of London Professor Emerita of Higher Education Management
Areas of Expertise:Higher education policy, governance, management, leadership. Inequality, diversity, and inclusion in educational settings. Doctoral education. Organisational change. Notions of public good.
City, University of London Director, Research and Enterprise
Areas of Expertise:Research, enterprise, research policy, research funding, strategic planning, research strategy development, higher education policy, academic policy, strategy management, funding, finance
Areas of Expertise:Ethnographic research methods, classrooms and schools, anthropology of Europe, anthropology of Brazil, martial arts studies, history of women’s education and feminist theory
Areas of Expertise:Education, education advise, assessment, training, leadership evaluation, educational inequality, social justice, school improvement, attainment progress, minority ethnic groups, EAL pupils in education
University of Reading Professor Emerita and Consultant
Areas of Expertise:Higher education, doctoral education, personal construct psychology, professional education especially health sciences, teacher/academics education, research methods, coaching, academic writing
Region:South East
Professor Jean-Louis DenisFAcSS
Université de Montréal Professor of Health Policy and Management
Areas of Expertise:Health policy, governance, reform, policy capacities, organizations, professions
Cranfield University Professor of Leadership and Organisational Change
Areas of Expertise:Management, business, leadership, organisational change, commercial development, capabilities of change, resilience, reliability in organisations, institute of management, education, longevity, work
University of Bath Head of Department for Social & Policy Sciences and Professor of Global Development, Faculty Deputy Dean
Areas of Expertise:Development, global development, social change, South Asia, extreme poverty, vulnerability & inequality, patronage, clientelism, poor people’s politics, wellbeing & religion
Queen Mary, University of London Associate Professor in Public Policy
Areas of Expertise:Public policy, politics, UK productivity, regional inequality, the role of institutions, policy advice systems, socials democratic ideologies, Europe, Labour Party
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Co-Director Cities and Local Growth Unit and Head of the Government Social Research
Areas of Expertise:Government social research, business, energy, industrial strategy, politics, political insight, processes & change, society, government strategy, planning, policy delivery, debate
University College London (UCL) Director, OMEGA Centre of Mega Infrastructure & Development
Areas of Expertise:Planning, infrastructure, development, mega infrastructure, urban land-use, urban transport, transport in planning, urban transport policy, sustainable development, mega transport, infrastructure
Areas of Expertise:Health, medicine, nursing, public health, pandemics, heatwaves, science and society, law and society, family law, children, research ethics, qualitative methods
University of Sussex Professor of Social and Applied Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, mindfulness, cognitive science, public health, health services, sociology, consumerism, identity, material goods, identity construction through material goods, behaviour, culture
University of Cambridge Director of THIS Institute and The Health Foundation Professor of Healthcare Improvement Studies
Areas of Expertise:Health sciences, healthcare, improvement studies, public health, primary care, evidence for organisational improvement, quality & safety improvement in health care
University of Stirling Dean of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Professor of Public Policy and Governance
Areas of Expertise:Public policy, governance, advanced studies, institutional chance, city & regional competitiveness, transport, transport in promoting economic development & environmental sustainability
Queen's University Belfast Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
Areas of Expertise:Anthropology of borders and boundaries, comparative study of state borders
Region:Northern Ireland
Professor Jenny DonovanOBE FAcSS
University of Bristol Professor of Social Medicine
Areas of Expertise:Social medicine, health sciences, randomised controlled trials, managing organisational units, medical trials, health debt, access to health care, suicide prevention
University of Oxford Halford Mackinder Professor of Human Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, human geography, cartography, social inequalities, housing, health, employment, education, poverty, pre-school education, social study of child development, social gradients
Royal Holloway, University of London Emeritus Professor of Public Administration
Areas of Expertise:UK politics and government, public administration, public policy constitutional law, comparative constitutions, administrative law, legislative studies
Areas of Expertise:Corporate decisions on investment, innovation, advertising and dividends, corporate governance, economic policy, political economy, South African economy
University of Birmingham Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) and Professor of Organisational Studies
Areas of Expertise:Management, organisation studies, the concept of career, academic scientists, women entrepreneurs, managers, management analysis, older women in work, gendered working, women
University of Glasgow Edward Caird Chair of Politics
Areas of Expertise:Politics, COVID-19, Chinese politics, urban neighbourhoods in China, health care in China, poverty policy, Brazil, India, China, South Africa, tackling poverty
University of Limerick Professor of HRM & Employment Relations
Areas of Expertise:Human resource management, employment relations, employment regulation, work equalities, employee voice, worker silence, trade unions, gig-economy, work, technology, digital work
University of Sussex Emeritus Professor of Economic Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, economic geography, development policy, quantitative economics, global development, materialist conceptions of history, development theory, regulation, geopolitical economy, connected development
University of Leeds Professor of Education and International Development
Areas of Expertise:Education policy, education inclusion, international education, policy implementation, migration, South Asia, sustainable development
Cardiff University Professor of European Political Studies
Areas of Expertise:Historical and contemporary European political economy, comparative political economy, economic and monetary union in Europe, German politics and policies
Areas of Expertise:Media, writing, journalism, communications, BBC, social affairs, editing, news correspondent, politics, reporting, geopolitics, global issues, investigative journalism
University of Oxford Professor Emerita, Department of Education
Areas of Expertise:Education, cultural-history, history of education, culture in education, professional learning, concepts of relational expertise, common knowledge, rational agency, cultural-history theory
University of Warwick Professor at the Institute for Employment Research
Areas of Expertise:Employment research, economics, government program evaluation, statistics, labour market, occupational change, labour market outcomes, job quality, modern employment practices, business
Areas of Expertise:Education, social mobility, inequalities in education, inequalities in employment, impacts of COVID-19, policy, nation-wide social mobility, sociology, anthropology, education gap
University Of South Australia Dean of External Engagement and Executive Director of the Hawke EU Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, external engagement, higher education engagement, social theory, artificial intelligence, identity & digital technologies, globalisation & the new economy, anthropology
University of East Anglia Emeritus Professor of Education
Areas of Expertise:Educational action research, lesson study, professional development of teachers, curriculum design and development, practical philosophy of education
Areas of Expertise:Educational effectiveness, improvement, leadership, governance, education and schooling theory, performance data, policy analysis, school choice, capability, measuring equity, diversity and competition
Town and Country Planning Association Policy Director
Areas of Expertise:Policy, policy development, briefings, engagement, politics, planning, central government planning, planning acts, development, regional change, poverty, social equality, economics, urbanisation
University of Sheffield Chair of Sociological Studies
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, grassroots, political sociology, race, ethnic & gender inequalities, Europe, United States, women of colour in activism, activism, social change
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Former Deputy Director, Policy Innovation & Evaluation Research Unit
Areas of Expertise:Policy evaluation, survey methodology
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Health Sciences (social)
Professor Maria EvandrouFAcSS
University of Southampton Professor of Gerontology and Director of the Centre for Research on Ageing
Areas of Expertise:Geography, gerontology, inequalities, age inequalities, equity in health & social care, inequalities amongst ethnic elders, informal care, retirement, elders, generations
The Glasgow School of Art Professor of Urbanism and Landscape
Areas of Expertise:Architecture, landscape, built environment, urbanism, contemporary & future city, ecological urbanism, urban design, landscape planning & design, community facilitation, leadership
University College London (UCL) Emeritus Professor of Education
Areas of Expertise:Comparative education, life course, human agency, work and working life, adult education, youth studies, vocational and professional learning
University of Manchester Professor of Education and Associate Dean for Academic and Research Staff Development
Areas of Expertise:Educational leadership, professionalism, professional development, researcher development, research leadership, academic working life, workplace morale, job satisfaction and motivation
University of Manchester Professor of Social Network Analysis
Areas of Expertise:Software, digital futures, institute for data science, artificial intelligence, analysing social networks, scientific networks, directed two mode data
University of Manchester Vice-President for Research and Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, sociology of work, sociology of employment, working time, gender relations, comparative research, inequalities in the work place, work-family policies
Areas of Expertise:Economics, policy development & delivery, devolution, local economic growth, housing, energy, climate chance, transport, government, economic devolution, local economic development
Devon Partnership NHS Trust Professional Lead, Psychology and Psychological Therapies
Region:South West
Discipline:Psychology (social & behavioural)
Professor James FairheadFAcSS
University of Sussex Professor of Social Anthropology
Areas of Expertise:Anthropology, medical anthropology, environmental anthropology, West Africa, the history of environmental & medical anthropology, sociology, international development, poverty alleviation, inequality
University of Southampton Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Professor of Demography
Areas of Expertise:Policy, demography, international social policy, international & global engagement, population studies, developing countries, international development, regional population statistics, social issues
University of Leicester Professor of Modern Economic and Social History
Areas of Expertise:US and UK economic and social policy during the 1920s and 1930s, Great Depression, New Deal period
Region:East Midlands
Discipline:History (social & economic)
Professor Brigid FeatherstoneFAcSS
University of Huddersfield Emeritus Professor of Social Work
Areas of Expertise:Child Protection, Inequality, Domestic Abuse, Working with Men
Region:Yorkshire And Humber
Discipline:Social Work
Professor Leon FeinsteinFAcSS
University of Oxford Professor of Education and Children’s Social Care
Areas of Expertise:Education, social care, children’s social care, analysis, economics, youth funding, child protection, social issues, family dynamics, venerable populations, protection services
University of Bedfordshire Retired Reader in Cognitive Approaches to Second Language Skills
Areas of Expertise:Language acquisition, speech and language processing, applied linguistics, language learning strategies, language development
Region:East Of England
Professor Edward FieldhouseFAcSS
University of Manchester Professor of Social and Political Science
Areas of Expertise:Politics, voting behaviour, social theories of turnout, geographical & contextual effects in voting, mobilisation & campaign effects, British political systems
University of Surrey Emeritus Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, criminology, socio-legal studies, social research methodology, new technologies in social research, policing, community & neighbourhood policing, qualitative analysis methods
University of Manchester Honorary Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, higher education, public service, charity organisations, family relationships, sociology of human dynamics, equality & change in higher education
Region:North West
Professor Alan FinlaysonFAcSS
University of East Anglia Professor of Political & Social Theory
Brunel University London Professor of Political Science and Director of Brunel Public Policy
Areas of Expertise:Elections, election campaigns, political & party finance, election finance, regulation of elections and parties, electoral integrity, online voting, political parties, British & comparative politics
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, organisational chance, administration, organisational change in complex organizations, health care management, public sector, innovation diffusion, professionalism, leadership dynamics
Region:East Midlands
Discipline:Business & Management
Professor Rory M FitzgeraldFAcSS
City, University of London Director European Social Survey ERIC
Areas of Expertise:Survey methods, European, cross-national, open science
Swansea University Professor of Applied Linguistics
Areas of Expertise:Applied linguistics, mental lexicon, vocabulary processing, health communication, language learning and assessment, applying lexical research methods to novel contexts
Yale Univesity Director of the Digital Ethics Center
Areas of Expertise:Philosophy, ethics of information, digital ethics, computer science, the philosophy of information, the philosophy of technology, epistemology, logic, scepticism, tetralogy
University College London (UCL) Professor of Developmental Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, developmental psychology, human development, parenting, parental mental illness, poverty, local communities, education, inflammation, emotional behavioural problems in childhood, schools
University of Strathclyde Professor of Health Change
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, the application of qualitative & mixed methods, intervention research, complex intervention design & evaluation, sexual health, health psychology, infection
University College London (UCL) Head of the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, language science, children, families, psychiatry & behavioural science, early attachment relationships, social cognition, borderline personality disorder, violence, personality disorders
The University of Vermont Professor/Chairperson, Department of Social Work
Areas of Expertise:Social work, critical social work, practice research, critical reflection, models of critical reflection, methodology, understanding & assumptions of self, culture
University of Manchester Professor of Political Science
Areas of Expertise:Politics, public opinion, electoral choice, party politics, government, racial prejudice, radical politics, Brexit, immigration, public perception of issues, geopolitics, resilience
Cardiff University Distinguished Research Professor, Cardiff Business School
Areas of Expertise:Philosophy of behavioural explanation, explanation of economic and social behaviour, consumer theory, the theory of the marketing firm
Education Endowment Foundation CEO of the Education Endowment Foundation; Professor of Education, UCL
Areas of Expertise:Education policy, educational inequality, educational attainment, social identity and education, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background, education practice
Bishop Grosseteste University Professor of Religions, Psychology and Education
Areas of Expertise:Social and public significance of religions, religious diversity, faith schools, cathedrals and public engagement, religious education
University of Oxford Emeritus Professor of Politics
Areas of Expertise:Politics, political theory, political articulation, ideologies, conceptual arrangements, political features in political thinking, methodologies of political study, silences & absences
King's College London Emeritus Professor of War Studies
Areas of Expertise:Politics, war studies, public policy, security studies, conflict, history, British military history, strategic thinking, international history, strategic theory, nuclear
Professor of Psychosocial Welfare/Chair of the Association for Psychosocial Studies
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, child psychology & welfare, society & change, social work, care & community, education, arts & culture, welfare, civic renewal
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, tourism, sport, gender equality in sport, mental health, active communities, social well-being, social & organisational change, community service management
University of Warwick Auguste Comte Chair in Social Epistemology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social epistemology, the future of university, critical intellectuals, emergence of intellectual property, information society, new biology, science & religion
University of Oxford Emeritus Professor of Education
Areas of Expertise:Education, teaching, educational research policy, government reports, education structures, politics & policy in teacher education, higher education, access to education
Cardiff University Emeritus Professor, School of Law and Politics
Areas of Expertise:Law, politics, foreign policy, Italian politics, services trades, higher education reform, political theory, policy, ontology & epistemology in political science
The Open University Professor of Sociology and Intimacy
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, intimacy, interdisciplinary approaches for research, theorizing intimacy, relationships, personal relationships, family studies, sexual studies, mixed methods, qualitative research, psychology
Royal Holloway, University of London Emeritus Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Pharmaceuticals, chronic Illness, health professions, health care policy, consumerism and health care, violence against health professionals
University of Manchester Professor of Public Policy
Areas of Expertise:Policy, public policy, gender policy change, diversity & representation in policy making, political management reform, central & local government, management
University of Glasgow Emeritus Professor of Education Policy and Social Justice
Areas of Expertise:Policy, social justice, the reproduction of inequalities, structures of inequality, policies & practices in formal education, education systems, universities, equality
University College London (UCL) Honorary Professor
Areas of Expertise:Politics, history, criminology, security studies, international relations, anthropology, organised crime, intelligence services, military, politics of national security governance, military history
University College London (UCL) Professor of Housing and Planning
Areas of Expertise:Planning, housing, built environment, UK planning policy, housing delivery, rural communities, rural restructuring, extending UK economic development, affordability, housing crisis
University of Oxford Professor of Child and Family Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, evidence-based intervention, child & family mental health, wellbeing, violence prevention, economic & social inequality, welfare states, gender & care
Areas of Expertise:Education, teacher education, assessment policy, assessment practices in education, education output, technology in education, educational enhancement, new technologies for learning
Areas of Expertise:Social work, justice, child protection, violence prevention, welfare rights, women’s safety & welfare, lone parenthood, child poverty, social security, equality
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Social Work
Professor George GaskellFAcSS
London School of Economics & Political Science Emeritus Professor of Social Psychology and Research Methodology
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, research methodology, behavioural science, science in society, social & ethical implications of life sciences, quantitative & qualitative research, morality
University of Liverpool Professor of Organisation Studies
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, organisational studies, work, family, health, working families, work-life boundaries, life balance, pregnancy in the workplace, work culture, balance
University of Manchester Professor of Economic History
Areas of Expertise:History, population displacement in the modern world, geopolitics, migration, economic & social history of Russia, Russia, Russian studies, political history
University of Edinburgh Professor of Sociology and Social Statistics
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social statistics, sample social science datasets, social surveys, administrative data, analysis of longitudinal data, social stratification, sociology of youth
University of Manchester Professor of System Innovation and Sustainability
Areas of Expertise:Climate change, low-carbon transitions, sustainability, socio-technical transitions, innovation, co-evolution of technology and society, energy, transport, agro-food, institutions, agency
University of Cambridge Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Areas of Expertise:Criminology, criminal justice, social justice, race, gender, social exclusion, women & criminal sentencing, crime, criminal justice, law, policy, youth, community
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, economic sociology, micro-social change, longitudinal studies, social structures, work & leisure, industrialisation, post-industrial society, economic impacts, household economics, history
Region:South East
Professor Meric GertlerFAcSS
University Of Toronto President
Areas of Expertise:Geography, planning, innovation, urbanisation, innovative activity, economics of city-regions, economic development, cooperation, globalisation, regional innovation systems, public policy, culture, administration
Areas of Expertise:Education, communication, public policy, research, sociology, equality, social justice, regulatory system analyses, policy exploration, lived policy, public service practitioners, theory
University of Glasgow Adam Smith Chair in Political Economy (Economics)
Areas of Expertise:General equilibrium, game theory, behavioural welfare economics, disadvantage and empowerment, political economy, sovereign debt restructuring, climate change
University of Hull Emeritus Professor of Human Geography
Areas of Expertise:Economic geography, local and regional economic development, sustainable development, sustainability transitions
Region:Yorkshire And Humber
Discipline:Geography & Geospatial
Professor Rachel GibsonFAcSS
University of Manchester Professor of Political Science
Areas of Expertise:Politics, media, communication, political organisations, media in politics, political use of media, candidate campaigns, social media & political campaigns, elections
Areas of Expertise:Processual theories of social phenomena, computational sociology and the methodology of computer simulation, especially agent-based modelling, and the appraisal and evaluation of public policies
Areas of Expertise:Sport studies, sociology, sport, physical activity, education for development, peace, globalization, youth, sport mega-events, crime, deviance, sport & policing, security
University of Birmingham Professor of Health and Social Care
Areas of Expertise:Health, social care, social work, health & social care cooperation, policy analysis, health & social services, integrated care, service management
Areas of Expertise:Health, gerontology, global health, social medicine, social & clinical sciences, sociology, family care, cross-national care comparisons, life course research, disorders
Oxford Brookes University Professor Emeritus in Planning and Impact Assessment
Areas of Expertise:Spatial planning and impact assessment. Especially local and regional socio-economic impact assessment of building major energy projects
University of Manchester Emeritus Professor, Social Anthropology
Areas of Expertise:Comparative analysis of political life, power relations, social movements, political economy, migration, urban development, violence, conflict and security, Latin America
London School of Economics & Political Science Emeritus Professor of Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Social policy, financing social welfare, welfare systems, welfare, public welfare, welfare states, British social policy, policy analyses, economics, education, funding
University of Essex Emeritus Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Previously: gendered international division of labour, women's work, assembly line work, consumption work. Now: 1930s refugees from Nazism and the intergenerational transmission of history and memory
Areas of Expertise:Media, communications, heritage, culture, cultural & media studies, research, media sociology, journalism, media political economy, social inequality, international communications, policy
De Montfort University Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Business and Law
Areas of Expertise:Business, law, local government, comparative politics, urban politics, urbanisation, city-planning, EU politics, European political discourse, European law, political theory, policy
University of Liverpool Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology
Areas of Expertise:The sociology of childhood and youth, youth criminology, youth justice, comparative/international research, prisons and penal detention, human rights, poverty, inequality, social exclusion
University of Manchester Honorary Professorial Fellow, Spatial Policy and Analysis Laboratory
Areas of Expertise:Strategic and metropolitan planning, urban design
Region:North West
Mr. Guy GoodwinFAcSS
NatCen Social Research Chief Executive
Areas of Expertise:Management, statistics, leadership, government, non-profit sectors, population policy, migration, crime, public health, public well-being, statistical analysis, theory, crime statistics, policy
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
Loughborough University Visiting Professor in the Physiology of Ageing
Areas of Expertise:Health, brain health, ageing, age UK, physiology of ageing, medical science, communicating science to the media, education, broadcast media, digital health
University of Leicester Professor of Sociology and Sociological Practice
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social psychology, life & sociology of Pearl Jehcott, qualitative secondary analysis, restudies, biography methods, unconventional data in sociology practice
Areas of Expertise:Geography, human geography, structures, processes of sub-national government, government, urban & rural politics, theoretical application, regulation theory, strategic-relational state theory
Durham University Professor of Education and Public Policy
Areas of Expertise:Educational disadvantage, school effectiveness and improvement, social segregation between schools, widening access to university, evidence use in pubic policy, improving research methods
London School of Economics & Political Science Emeritus Professor of Human Geography
Areas of Expertise:Economic geography, spatial labour markets, migration, urban/regional governance and planning, London, metropolitan regions, territorial competition, clusters, populist geography
London School of Economics & Political Science Visiting Professor
Areas of Expertise:Social policy, wellbeing, climate change, political economy, environment, political theory, need theory, sufficiency, inequality, welfare state, eco-social policy
University of York Former Chancellor, University of York; Former President & Provost, UCL; former Chair, NHS England
Areas of Expertise:Health policy and leadership, higher education, land-use and environmental regulation
Region:Yorkshire And Humber
Professor Tim D GrantFAcSS
Aston University Professor of Forensic Linguistics
Areas of Expertise:Linguistics, forensic linguistics, English, applied linguistics, offenders, police, sexual violence, larceny, integration, law enforcement, crime, communication, interview linguistics, justice service
Professor of Social Policy, Chair of the Social Policy Association
Areas of Expertise:Social policy, criminology, politics, policy, social care, devolution, gender, adult social care, social welfare programs, governance, funding policy, accessibility, equality
University of Birmingham Professor of Regional Economic Development
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, strategy, international business, regional economic development, regional politics, economics, geography, employment, local labour markets, skills, strategy, rural development
Knowledge & Impact Strategy Services Ltd Founder and Director
Areas of Expertise:Academic publishing
Region:South West
Professor Eileen E GreenFAcSS
Teesside University Professor Emerita in Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Gender and work/leisure, women's health and well being, domestic violence, health technologies, young people and risk, community based IT
Region:Yorkshire And Humber
Professor Jane GreenFAcSS
University of Oxford Professor of Political Science and British Politics
Areas of Expertise:Political accountability, understanding of political and economic and other policy shocks, survey measurement, British elections
Queen Mary, University of London Professor of Law and Globalisation
Areas of Expertise:Law, globalisation, state crime theory, state violence, Turkish criminal justice, politics, genocide, mass forced evictions, resistance to state violence, fieldwork
University of Salford Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) and Professor of Politics
Areas of Expertise:German and European Politics; Politics of immigration and citizenship
Region:North West
Discipline:Politics & International Relations
Professor Samuel GreeneFAcSS
King's College London Professor of Russian Politics and Director of the King’s Russia Institute
Areas of Expertise:Politics, international relations, Russia, Russian studies, Russian politics, Putin, geopolitics, comparative political studies, political theory, strategic studies, military, broadcast media
Anglia Ruskin University Professor of Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Social inclusion of minoritised communities. Gypsies, Roma, Travellers, LGBT+ people of faith. Migration. Inclusion health/health policy. Widening participation
Areas of Expertise:Macroeconomics, fiscal policy, economic statistics, natural capital
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Economics & Econometrics
Sir Paul GriceFAcSS
Queen Margaret University Principal and Vice Chancellor of Queen Margaret University
Areas of Expertise:Politics, international relations, Scottish parliament, governance, leadership, academic research, higher education, innovation, political leadership, party politics, policy, skills, research, funding
Nottingham Trent University Distinguished Professor of Behavioural Addiction
Areas of Expertise:Behavioural addiction, gambling addiction, videogame addiction, internet addiction, work addiction, sex addiction, exercise addiction, social media addiction, smartphone addiction
King's College London Professor of Employment Studies and Associate Dean for Impact and Engagement
Areas of Expertise:Management, employment studies, research impact, human resource management, employment relations, law, international labour, the future of work, sustainable development goals
Manchester Metropolitan University Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Health and Wellbeing
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, health, wellbeing, psychology of health, psychology of wellbeing, body image, smoking, exercise, health promotion, sports clothing, body image, appearance
Monash University Emeritus Professor in the Faculty of Education
Areas of Expertise:Education, public service, educational leadership, management, educational studies, government school systems, private education, leadership in higher education, creative leadership, improvement
University College London (UCL) Professor in Climate Change Economics and the Low Carbon Transition
Areas of Expertise:Emission accounts, environmental economics for international climate change mitigation and adaptation, scenario analysis on environmental impacts, water resources accounting and management
University of Cambridge Emeritus Professor of Human Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, human geography, methodologies for spatial data analysis, health services research, geography of crime, Bayesian modelling of small area data
University College London (UCL) Professor of Geographic Information Science
Areas of Expertise:Participatory science, citizen Science, public access to environmental information, interaction with geospatial technologies, community science
Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) Chief Executive Officer
Areas of Expertise:Economics, monetary policy, pro bono economics, social mobility, national numeracy leadership, levelling up, design, leadership, finance, cash, social security, economic security
King's College London Emeritus Professor of Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, Australia, global affairs, public policy, China, housing wealth, inheritance, social polarisation, gentrification & housing, housing trends, political privatisation, urban
Loughborough University Professor Emerita of European Social Policy, Visiting Professor
Areas of Expertise:Comparative international research theory, methods and practice, multidisciplinary research project management, impacts of Brexit and Covid-19 on European and UK public policy
University of Exeter Director of the Centre for European Governance
Areas of Expertise:Regulatory change in digital markets and interested in solutions to regulatory problems based around the citizen/consumer and/or civil society voice
Areas of Expertise:Market, opinion and social research, business standards and ethics, self-regulation, GDPR, data privacy, procurement, safe working, media, management, NED
University of Birmingham Professor of Law and Society
Areas of Expertise:Disability, mental capacity law, mental health law, healthcare law, social-legal studies, gender, sexuality, family law, qualitative methods
Former Chief Executive Officer, Regional Studies Association
Areas of Expertise:Learned Society management and strategy; academic journal and book publishing; conference and event organisation and strategy; grant giving and impact and dissemination from scholarly research
Region:South East
Discipline:Geography & Geospatial
Professor Stephen T HardyFAcSS
Dean of the Faculty of Business, Law & Politics
Areas of Expertise:Employment, equality, social security, ADR, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, legal education, leadership, social mobility, human rights
Areas of Expertise:Education, educational leadership, education policy, school improvement, Welsh Government, education system reform, development implementation, education strategy, Russian education, educational equality
University of Bristol Professor of Quantitative Social Geography
Areas of Expertise:Socio-spatial inequality, ethnic and social segregation, geographies of education, quantitative social science, geographic data science
University of Leeds Emeritus Professor of Housing and Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Social policy, housing, urban issues
Region:Yorkshire And Humber
Discipline:Social Policy
Professor Mark HarrisonFAcSS
University of Warwick Emeritus Professor of Economics
Areas of Expertise:Economics, Russia & the Soviet Bloc, defence & security, economic history, fighting, economic cheating, stealing, lying & spying, poverty, development
University of Oxford Emeritus Professor and Fellow
Areas of Expertise:Political economy, field-economics, India, agriculture, rural development, dimensions of poverty, deprivation, informal economy, development policy
University of Manchester Professor of Health Professional Education
Areas of Expertise:Education, medical education, health psychology, global inequalities, implementation science, health professional practice, health professional behaviour change, lifestyle behaviour change, wellbeing
University of Warwick Professor of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, enterprise, small & medium sized enterprises, entrepreneurship, Northern Ireland, business growth, firms, economics, growth strategy, high-growth firms, finance
Region:West Midlands
Discipline:Business & Management
Professor Penelope HarveyFAcSS
University of Manchester Professor of Social Anthropology
Areas of Expertise:Anthropology, social anthropology, language, linguistics, politics, gender, history, visual anthropology, sociology, anthropology of technology, technology & human dynamics, human development
Areas of Expertise:Global economic and financial developments
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Economics & Econometrics
Mr. John HaskeyFAcSS
University of Oxford Associate Fellow
Areas of Expertise:Demography, family demography, statistical studies, family law, population studies, fertility & ethnicity, UK demography, trends in the UK population, birth-rates
Region:South East
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
University of Queensland Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology and Australian Laureate Fellow
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, social psychology, organisational psychology, group & identity processes in organisational & social & clinical contexts, psychology of health, culture
Ulster University Associate Dean, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Health, health sciences, life sciences, administration, strategy, intellectual disabilities, youth with developmental disabilities, change, leadership, industrial experience, youth needs, development
Areas of Expertise:Cultural psychology, civic engagement, values and ethics, gender, science, culture and society, social change, narrative and discourse
University of Cambridge Emeritus Professor of Economic and Social History
Areas of Expertise:History, economic history, social history, English history, middle ages – eighteenth century, population history, British industrial revolutions, living standards, working patterns
Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics Professor of Political Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Politics, political science, European studies, comparative politics, political analysis, political economy, comparative European politics, international relations, international studies, globalisation, integration
Flinders University Matthew Flinders Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Human Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geographies of oppression & domination, qualitative research methods, professional ethics, geographies of the super-rich, academic staff development
Michael Hayes Consulting Ltd Consultant Urban Planner
Areas of Expertise:Urban planning, urban design, regeneration and development at regional, city and neighbourhood levels
Region:Greater London
Dr. Nicky J HayesFAcSS
Psychologist & Author
Areas of Expertise:Social and organisational psychology, social research methods, educational assessment, psychometrics, psychological theory, general psychology, applied psychology, general neuropsychology
Discipline:Psychology (social & behavioural)
Professor Philip HaynesFAcSS
University of Brighton Professor of Public Policy
Areas of Expertise:Complexity theory, policy analysis, case based methods, Dynamic Pattern Synthesis
Queen's University Belfast Professor of Political Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, political sociology, social divisions, conflict, education, social work, global peace, security, justice, Ireland, boarder management, conflict & cooperation, integration
University College London (UCL) Professor of Government and the Constitution
Areas of Expertise:Politics, constitutional reform, devolution and federalism, parliament, elections and referendums, human rights and freedom of information
The University of Hong Kong Professor of Urban Studies
Areas of Expertise:Architecture, urban planning, design, urban affairs, urban geography, international planning, area development, development policy, urban redevelopment, gentrification, policy, entrepreneurial urbanism
University of Glasgow Emeritus Professor and Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Areas of Expertise:Public sector accounting reform; public expenditure management; public audit; public sector corporate governance; infrastructure financing; and financing devolved governments.
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, urban planning, social policy, organisations & groups, men & masculinity, social theory, social planning, theories of patriarchy, violence, sexuality
King's College London Professor of Work and Organisation
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, work, organisation, video-based social interaction, ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, multimodality, talk, bodily conduct, the use of tools & technology
Areas of Expertise:Housing, home, shared living arrangements, intergenerational relations, qualitative research methodology, creative qualitative methods
University of Edinburgh Professor of Political Science
Areas of Expertise:Comparative sub-state political behaviour, elections and referendums, national identity, public opinion polling, survey methodology, civic engagement
Nottingham Trent University Emeritus Professor of Social Research
Region:East Midlands
Discipline:Politics & International Relations
Professor Peter HennessyFAcSS
Queen Mary, University of London Attlee Professor of Contemporary British History
Areas of Expertise:History, contemporary British history, the economist, British government, governmental history, House of Lords, contemporary prime ministerial & cabinet government, Whitehall
University of California, Los Angeles Distinguished Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, interaction order, social organisation, social interaction structures, social outcomes, distribution of goods & services, conversation analysis, medicine interaction, politics
University College London (UCL) Economist and Honorary Professor, UCL
Areas of Expertise:Economics, debt, global economics, technology, politics, society, community building, business strategy & transformation, cooperate economics, media, global prosperity, generational finance
University of Sussex Emeritus Professor of Education
Areas of Expertise:Education, schooling, higher education research, leadership, innovation, international education, women’s studies, gender, class, sexuality, ethnography, girl’s friendships in schooling, development
University of Nottingham Sir Francis Hill Professor of European Politics
Areas of Expertise:Politics, European politics, institutional structures, policy formation, political outcomes, neo-institutionalism, political corruption, executive capacity, democratic design, state development, Spain, governance
London Metropolitan University Adjunct Professor, Social Sciences Institute
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, Irish studies, European transformations, migration & diaspora, social cohesion, mass movements of peoples, women, identity, Irish identity, homeland abandonment
University College London (UCL) Professor of the Sociology of Ageing
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, sociology of ageing, mental health, mental wellbeing for the elderly, brain sciences, population health, cultures of ageing, self-citizen, society
University of Manchester Professor of Strategic Management and Behavioural Science
Areas of Expertise:Psychology of strategic management/behavioural strategy (behavioural insights, behavioural science, strategic decision making and adaptation, cognition and emotion)
Areas of Expertise:Management, business, economics, English capitalism, political economy of social democratic liberalism, heterodox economics, institutions, ideology, economic theory, socialism, conceptualizing capitalism
University of Warwick Professor of Law, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Areas of Expertise:Comparative criminal justice, defence rights, French criminal justice, prosecution, miscarriages of justice, policing, criminal justice, arts & culture
Loughborough University Professor of Human Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, human geography, geographies of children, youth, families, geographies of social difference, education & learning, neoliberal education, private tuition, equality
University of Bristol Dean of the University of Bristol Business School
Areas of Expertise:Policy, future of work, management, life insurance, employer relations, cultural change, business, economics, performance, human resource management, development, public policy
Newcastle University Professor of Social Geography
Areas of Expertise:Young people, masculinities, religion and belief, race and ethnicity, intersectionality, Islamophobia, refugees and migration, equality and diversity, qualitative research
Areas of Expertise:Social research methods, sociological theory, social interaction, social media, digital sociology, emerging technologies and society, science and technology studies, culture, economy and identity
Birkbeck, University Of London Professor of Psychology and Pro Vice Master, Education
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, education, organisational psychology, theoretical approaches, women’s work participation, occupational segregation, career development, discrimination, sexism, predictors of academic performance, wellbeing
University of Cambridge Diageo Professor of Organisation Studies
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, organisation studies, organisational & social change processes, organisational culture, identity & routines, business strategies for environmental sustainability, industry
University of Cambridge Emeritus Professor of Education
Areas of Expertise:Education, classroom dialogue, learning in small group contexts, student age & development, STEM education, tacit & explicit understanding, primary education
University of Portsmouth Executive Dean, Faculty of Business and Law
Areas of Expertise:Business, law, management, law & art, economic & social research, innovation, competition, policy, entrepreneurship, innovation, structure & governance, business enterprise
University of Reading Visiting Professor of Economic History
Areas of Expertise:History, economic history, agricultural history, rural history, local & regional history, European rural history, British history, farming, consumerism, innovation, capitalism
University of Groningen Professor in Science & Technology Studies/Chair
Areas of Expertise:Human-environment interactions, ecological economics, carbon footprints, environmental policy, climate mitigation, land use and ecosystem services, energy transition
University of Birmingham Professor of Criminal Justice
Areas of Expertise:Criminal justice, criminology, penology, electronic monitoring, remand, community sanctions, prisons, technologies, private and voluntary sectors
Durham University Emeritus Professor in the Department of Geography
Areas of Expertise:Political economies of uneven and combined development, economic geographies of 'old' industrial areas, transitions to sustainable development strategies
Newcastle University Professor of Economic Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, economics, economic geography, politics, sociology, cultural political economy, postcolonial economics, global value chains, production networks, knowledge & economy, corporations
University of Warwick Professor of International Politics and Japanese Studies
Areas of Expertise:Politics, international relations, international politics, Japan, Japanese studies, foreign security, Japanese grand strategy, defence transformation, new technology, Japan-China relations, alliances
Swansea University Professor Emeritus (Human & Health Sciences)
Areas of Expertise:Health finance purchaser/provider reforms, healthcare rationing, Thailand health system, healthcare management, qualitative research methods, health impacts of pesticides, monitoring adverse drug reactions
Queen's University Belfast Director of the Centre for Shared Education and Director of Research of the School of Social Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Education, social work, pupils, social cohesion, friendship groups, education systems, social attitudes, social capital, customs laws, Northern Ireland, contact hypothesis
University of Manchester Professor of Development Studies
Areas of Expertise:Development, international studies, global development, environment, education, poverty, development studies, international relations, global inequalities, digital futures, structures of inequality, economics
University of Oxford Emeritus Professor of Economic History
Areas of Expertise:History, economic history, labour markets, industrialization, family & economy, wages, standard of living, history of women’s work, causes of growth
London School of Economics & Political Science Saji Emeritus Professor of Economic History
Areas of Expertise:Asia, Japan, economic history, global history, industrialisation, female labour, textile industries, natural disasters, business ethics
University of Manchester Professor of Russian Studies
Areas of Expertise:Politics, Russian studies, cultural studies, media studies, Soviet television & film, literature, cultural theory, Russian television representations, inter-ethnic cohesion issues
University of Birmingham Professor of Organisations and Society
Areas of Expertise:Health services, organisations, society, how work gets done, ethnographic methods, realities of working life, management, health service organisations, quality, structure
Sheffield Hallam University Professor of Social Justice
Areas of Expertise:Law, criminology, international justice, social & economic research, forced migration, refugees, asylum seekers, human trafficking, human rights, safeguarding children, violence
University of Edinburgh Professor of Education and Social Stratification
Areas of Expertise:Social inequalities in education, social mobility, school-to-work transitions, cross-country comparison, quantitative analysis of secondary data
Cardiff University Director of the Crime and Security Research Institute
Areas of Expertise:Crime, security, police science, disinformation, counter-terrorism, neighbourhood policing, signal crimes, murder investigations, social media, economics, home office
Areas of Expertise:Social policy, policy, housing assets, inter-generational dynamics, women’s material assets in Japan, Britain, East Asian societies, residential homes, ownership systems
University of Birmingham Director of Research, College of Social Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Post conflict reconstruction, security, rebel groups and demobilisation of combatants, the politics of security sector reform in the Global South particularly Africa and South Asia
University of York Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Women’s Studies
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, women’s studies, feminist theory, interactionist sociology, sexuality, intimate relations, gender & sexuality in East Asia, impact of political activism
University of Surrey Professor of Sustainable Development
Areas of Expertise:Development, sustainable development, ecological economics, sustainability, prosperity, policy advice, environment, strategies for sustainability, long-term development strategy, climate change, social policy
Cardiff University Emeritus Professor of Sociology of Education
Areas of Expertise:Governance, teaching, learning, assessment, lifelong learning, the education-work relationship, all with a focus on the education/social inequality relationship
University of Exeter Professor of Political Science
Areas of Expertise:Politics, public policy, citizen-state relations, policy process, digital technology, public services, behavioural techniques, participation, cooperation to achieve policy outcomes, citizenship
Staffordshire University Emeritus Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Left-right and disciplinary triangulation of conceptions of contemporary crisis
Region:West Midlands
Professor Rusi JaspalFAcSS
University of Brighton Pro Vice-Chancellor Research and Knowledge Exchange
Areas of Expertise:Identity, identity processes, ethnicity, LGBT identities, sexuality, behaviour change, public understanding of science, prejudice and discrimination, health promotion
Areas of Expertise:Education, economics, social research, university access, higher education integration, community, polities, inclusive economic development, opportunity equality, research output, administration, opportunities
University of Southampton Chair of Global Englishes
Areas of Expertise:Linguistics, global English, modern languages, English as a lingua franca, applied linguistics, intelligibility & accommodation in English communication, attitudes, identity
University of Sheffield Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social anthropology, ethnic relations, anthropology, Belfast, West Midlands, transitions to adulthood, ethnicity, racism, nationalism, informal economic activity, learning difficulties
University of Southampton Professor of Political Science and Public Policy
Areas of Expertise:Politics, public policy, public opinion, polling, national & global governance, international relations, patterns of trust, trustworthiness, historical opinion poll data
Lancaster University Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, capitalism, crisis, economic crisis, Gramsci, Karl Marx, political sociology, economics, politics, sociological theory of reform & revolution, state theory
King's College London Professor of Public Policy and Head of the School of Politics and Economics
Areas of Expertise:Public policy, politics, economics, political policy, agenda setting, local politics, behavioural interventions, randomized controlled trials, public policy analysis, political parties
Department for Work and Pensions Head of Strategy & Joint Head of Policy for Complex Disadvantage
Areas of Expertise:Applied public and social policy, social research, government, welfare
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Social Policy
Professor Malcolm L JohnsonFAcSS
University of Bristol Emeritus Professor of Health and Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Health, death, society, autism, medicine & life sciences, children at risk, child development, vocabulary, motor skills, learning disorders, autism spectrum
Areas of Expertise:Economics, fiscal studies, government, policy, party politics, finance, government agenda, revenue, government spending, political leadership, the welfare state, economic privatisation
Cardiff Metropolitan University Professor of Sport and Social Theory and the Associate Dean of Research (Sport)
Areas of Expertise:Sport, social theory, sport research, sport & health sciences, critical sociology, sports coaching, sport in education, society, education, theory application
University of Reading Professor of Sociolinguistics
Areas of Expertise:Discourse analysis, digital literacies, health communication, multimodality, creativity, professional communication, surveillance studies, sexuality
University College London (UCL) Emeritus Professor of Economic and Developmental Demography
Areas of Expertise:Demography, economic & developmental demography, longitudinal studies, population economics, economic analysis, population health, public policy & governance, sociology, anthropology, development
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
London School of Economics & Political Science Professor of Global Governance
Areas of Expertise:Politics, international relations, conflict research, economics, new wars, global civil society, human security, organised violence, conflict, global governance, civil society
London School of Economics & Political Science Co-Director of the India Observatory
Areas of Expertise:International studies, India, climate change, environment, India observatory, higher education, population & development issues, sustainable growth & inclusion, social protection
Cranfield University Professor of Work and Organisation
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, work, organisation, changing world of work, organisational behaviour, industrial relations, service-sector management, flexible working, working families, employee engagement
Areas of Expertise:Policy, public policy, government, social policy, housing, urban studies, advanced economies, private rent, poverty, social security, poverty & housing access
University of Aberdeen Professor of Strategy & International Business
Areas of Expertise:Global technology management, cross-border alliances, internationalization of emerging markets’ firms, innovation, corporate social responsibility, international new ventures
Birkbeck, University Of London Professor of Occupational Health Psychology,
Areas of Expertise:Occupational health psychology, emotional demands in health and social care, work-life balance, multi-level interventions to enhance resilience, stress management
Cardiff University Professor of Public Sector Management and Policy
Areas of Expertise:Public services management, public services strategy, public value, co-creation, business school governance, leadership in health and social care
British Council Former Global Head of Research & Consultancy for English
Areas of Expertise:Education, research, consultancy, English for education systems, inspection, education quality assurance, English language teaching, UK schools, university, educational reform, policy
University College London (UCL) Pro-Provost (Equity & Inclusion), Professorial Director of the Thomas Coram Research Unit
Areas of Expertise:Policies and practices that can reduce gender inequalities, promote greater work-family balance, and family well-being in comparative perspective.
University College London (UCL) Professor of Art and Anthropology
Areas of Expertise:Anthropology, art, ethnography, field work, sculptures, allied ethnographic collections, art & memory, visual analogy, transformation, material translation, intuition & empathy
King's College London Professor Emerita of Clinical Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Psychosis, cognitive behavioural interventions for individuals and their families, family interventions, NICE guidelines for schizophrenia and psychosis 2009 and 2014
Chinese University Of Hong Kong Choh-Ming Li Professor of Geography and Resource Management
Areas of Expertise:Environmental health, human mobility, transport and health issues in cities, healthy cities, social justice, geographic information science
Queen Mary, University of London Professor of Public Policy and Management
Areas of Expertise:Policy, public policy, management, public management, business, intergovernmental relations, central-local relations, regional government, politician, bureaucrat relationships, public sector professions, private professions
University of Bristol Professor of Medical Anthropology
Areas of Expertise:Public health, global health, health care systems, medical plurality, healthcare inequalities, infectious disease, antimicrobial resistance, Asia, India
University of Cambridge Emeritus Reader in Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social theory, unemployment under post-socialism, post-socialism, political economy of transition, state socialism, classes & elites, Ukraine, Russia, capitalism alternatives
Professional Development Foundation Director and Co-Founder
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, coaching, executive coaching, psychotherapy, codes of conduct, work standers, kite marking of coach training, business coaching, counselling psychology, professionalism
University of Bristol Visiting Fellow, School for Policy Studies
Areas of Expertise:Policy, policy studies, inequality, wealth, poverty, breadline Britain, transformative potential of a guaranteed income floor, economics, social issues, current affairs
University of Bath Professor of Education and Political Economy
Areas of Expertise:Education, political economy, higher education, management, social policy, political economy of skill formation, school effectiveness, political economy of education, policy
King's College London Emeritus Professor of Accounting
Areas of Expertise:Accountancy, interdisciplinary research, critical social science approaches, understanding change in management, progression, accounting development, accountability practices, public services, management, business
Areas of Expertise:Early modern British & Irish history, women investors in the early stock market 1700-1750, women and work, social and economic history of Oxford 1850-1920
Areas of Expertise:Property, planning, urban and planning law, legal geography, place, space and mobility, doctrinal legal analysis, qualitative research including arts-led and with children
Cambridge Conservation Initiative CCI Executive Director
Areas of Expertise:Development, international studies, pathways to sustainability, innovation, development issues, social anthropology, geography, Africa, environment, agriculture, health, technology, gender, power, politics
University of Liverpool Honorary Research Professor and Emeritus Professor
Areas of Expertise:History, public spaces, social history, population, cultural history, history of spaces, shipping, Liverpool, trade history, demography, commerce, English heritage, migration
University of Birmingham Emeritus Professor of Law
Areas of Expertise:Law, administration, legal education & research, politics, political advice, technology regulation, business, innovation, environment, business law, law & society, technology
Queen Mary, University of London Emeritus Professor of Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, economic geography, socio-cultural relations, economic relations, Marxism, photography, internet retail, alternative economic geographies, finance, emerging markets, diverse economic practices
University of Plymouth Professor of Sociology and Director of the Institute of Health and Community
Areas of Expertise:Health, society & culture, sociology, method, methodology, epistemology, feminist research, reproductive and non/parent identities, the family, identity, teaching, education, prisons
King's College London Professor of Educational Linguistics
Areas of Expertise:Education, educational linguistics, classroom pedagogy, content & language-integrated curriculum development, language assessment, academic literacies, language policy, modelling diversity, academic language
Department for Education Senior Policy Adviser to the Secretary of State, Defra, Expert Adviser, Department for Education, Senior Visiting Fellow, LSE, Associate Member, Nuffield College Oxford
Areas of Expertise:Education, scientific advice, government, department of education, politics, economics, contemporary economic issues, history & economics, analysis, benefits, childcare, learning, childhood
University of Sussex Emeritus Professor of Education and International Development
Areas of Expertise:Education, economics of education, economies of development, policy analysis, planning, science & technology development, teacher education, national assessment systems, finance
Lancaster University Professor of Family and Developmental Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, role of the father, family, life experiences, family relationships, social understanding, social understanding, culture, children with autism, irony, learning
City, University of London Chair of Information Management, Head of Technology & Innovation Group
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, information management, digital technologies, strategic & organisational transformation, domains, digital economy, policy, technological transition advice, new business models
University of Oxford Honorary Fellow, Green Templeton College
Areas of Expertise:Organisation of official statistics, nationally and internationally. Its independence, policy relevance and integrity. Communication of statistics. Quality of, and access to, data
Region:South East
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
Jiangxi Normal University Dean of the School of Geography and Environment
Areas of Expertise:Spatially integrated humanities and social science, GIS and virtual geographic environments, remote sensing in cloudy and rainy area
University of Warwick Emeritus Professor in Social Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Business, employment, economy, labour markets, systems of education, training institutions, organisations, European economic markets, social development, European integration, politics, labour
University of Warwick Professor and Director of Research
Areas of Expertise:Educational psychology, special educational needs and disability (SEND), developmental language difficulties, SEND policy, inclusion, professional ethics (psychologists), parenting support
University of York Professor of Management Humanities and Director of the Centre for the Study of Working Lives
Areas of Expertise:Business, society, management, humanities, organisation theory, philosophy, aesthetic approaches to organisation, language based organisation, gender & sexuality in organisations, ethnography
Loughborough University Emeritus Professor of Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, criminology, social policy, poverty, social security, welfare state, citizenship, policy analysis, gender studies, the concept of poverty, feminist perspectives
University College London (UCL) Professor Emerita, Institute of Education
Areas of Expertise:Education for all, multigrade education, globalisation, qualifications, education and development, education in Sri Lanka, education in China
University of Birmingham Professor of English Language and Applied Linguistics
Areas of Expertise:Linguistics, language, applied linguistics, English language, figurative language, thought, emotion, empathy, metaphor & creativity, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, metonymy in language
University of Reading Founding Dean, Yellow River College of Business
Areas of Expertise:International industry ecosystem, healthcare ecosystem, entrepreneurship and innovation, mergers and acquisitions, China, international business, sustainable development
London School of Economics & Political Science Professor of Social Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, social psychology, media, communications, changing conditions of mediation, everyday practices, children’s rights in the digital age, online dangers, learning
University of Essex Professor (Department of Government)
Areas of Expertise:The body, gender, vulnerability, who counts, subaltern agency, feminist theory, contemporary political theory, politics of the human
University of Aberdeen Professor of Health Services Research
Areas of Expertise:Personal experiences of health and illness, NHS staff experiences, NHS quality improvement, qualitative research, patient and public involvement in research
Areas of Expertise:Rural geography, rural restructuring, rural vitalization, urban-rural development, land use transition, sustainable land use, land consolidation, land use policy
University College London (UCL) Professor of Geographic Information Science
Areas of Expertise:Geography, geo-temporal demographic classifications, neighbourhood scales, family name geographies, onomastics, mapping, human DNA mapping, retail geography, consumer behaviour, public services
Areas of Expertise:Social researcher, central government departments, private sector brands, academic organisations, think tanks on social marketing, policy evaluations and national statistics
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Social Policy
Professor John LoughlinFAcSS
University of Cambridge Emeritus Fellow of St Edmund's College
Areas of Expertise:Politics, international relations, international studies, administration, French culture, international organisation, national & regional governments, decentralization, local government, council of Europe, consultancy
University of Leeds Chair in International Business
Areas of Expertise:Business, international business, economics, applied microeconomics, innovation, SME growth & development, exporting & growth in SMEs, knowledge co-ordination, business performance
Areas of Expertise:Research methods, history of social science, higher education, equality and diversity, quality assurance
Region:Greater London
Name:Organisation/Employer:Job Title:
Professor Muiris MacCarthaighFAcSS
Queen's University Belfast Professor of Politics and Public Policy and Head of Politics and International Relations
Areas of Expertise:Public Administration, Public Policy, Public Sector Reform, Digital Governance, Executive Politics, Irish Government and Politics, Longitudinal Analysis
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Honorary Professor of Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Policy, social policy, social anthropology, politics, public health, environments & society, public health policy, British bronchitis, narcotics, substance abuse, society
Areas of Expertise:The application of maths, statistics and quantitative methods to the understanding of population and society
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
Professor Robert MacIntoshFAcSS
University of the West of Scotland Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
Areas of Expertise:Business, law, strategy facilitation, strategy research, public trading firms, large public organisations, third sector organisations, boardroom practitioners, social care, charity
University of St Andrews Vice-Principal (International Strategy and External Relations) and Senior Vice-Principal
Areas of Expertise:Management, strategy, strategic management, engagement, international business, economic research, social research, economics, politics, organisational management, oversight & development of strategy
Areas of Expertise:Child psychology, educational psychology, clinical neuropsychology, health psychology, psychotherapy, research, teaching, autism, literacy, family law
Newcastle University Professor of Regional Development and Governance
Areas of Expertise:Geography, politics, sociology, regional development, governance, economic geography, political geography, institutions & politics of local & regional development, evolutionary economics
University of Oxford Research Associate, Department of Social Policy and Intervention
Areas of Expertise:Socio legal research, public inquiries, sociology of law, department of health, sociology, education, family research, social welfare, family law, justice
Wageningen University & Research Personal Chair in Technology and International Development
Areas of Expertise:Development, technology, international development, gene editing with plants, knowledge, technology, innovation, science & technology studies, public engagement, governance, responsible innovation
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, social cognition, person perception, self, identity, social psychology, the social mind, perception, stereotypes, self-relevance, mindfulness, learning, self-research, relevance
Queen's University Belfast Professor of Anthropology
Areas of Expertise:History, anthropology, philosophy, politics, ethnomusicology, music, national imaginary, narrative art, dance, culture, media, emotions, politics, global history, trauma response, society
University of Birmingham Professor of Health Systems
Areas of Expertise:Health services, management, health systems, social policy, health innovation, health economics, COVID-19 research, economics, politics, global health, patient safety, planning
University of Oxford Professor of Society and the Internet
Areas of Expertise:Politics, society & the internet, digital technology & government, politics & public policy, understanding political behaviour, digital world public policy
Areas of Expertise:International studies, regional studies, Russian studies, Russia, women’s studies, Slavonic & East European studies, modern Russian literature, women in Russia
University of Cambridge Director of Behaviour and Health Research Unit
Areas of Expertise:Health, public health, primary care, behaviour & health research, development & evaluation of interventions to change behaviour, addiction, population health
University of Cambridge Emeritus Professor of Economic Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, business research, economic geography, structural transformation, city economic evolutions, urban transformations, geographies of work, financial systems, regional economic development
Honorary Secretary of the Academy of Social Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Government statistics, social research
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
Professor Matt MatraversFAcSS
University of York Professor of Law
Areas of Expertise:Philosophy of criminal law, moral and legal responsibility, punishment, dangerousness (with particular reference to personality disorders), crime and criminal justice policy
Areas of Expertise:Health, ageing, autism, statistics
Region:Yorkshire And Humber
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
Professor Natasha MauthnerFAcSS
Newcastle University Professor of Social Science Philosophy and Method and Director of Research
Areas of Expertise:Business, research, social science philosophy, feminist studies, theory, work, gender, technology & society, data sharing, perinatal mental health, economics, society
Newcastle University Professor of Leadership & Organisation Studies
Areas of Expertise:Business, leadership & organisation studies, senior women at work, gendered media misrepresentations, women leaders & professionals, dirty work, vulnerability, identity
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Professor of Medical Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Adoption, implementation, and sustainability of innovations in medical technologies, patient experience, professional roles, and healthcare organization
Cardiff University Honorary Distinguished Professor
Areas of Expertise:Interdisciplinarity, methodology, social research methods, policy analysis, universities and socio-economic engagement, organisations, social and political theory, philosophy of social science
Lancaster University Professor of Applied Social Science
Areas of Expertise:socio technical, public health approach to online harms in childhood, CSAM detection online, socio-technical research on autonomous systems
University College London (UCL) Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value
Areas of Expertise:Economics, economics of innovation, public value, innovation & public purpose, economic value creation, policy change, investment, advisory roles, government, politics
University of Bradford Emeritus Professor of Social Work
Areas of Expertise:Child welfare, child well-being, poverty, children's social and emotional relationships
Region:Yorkshire And Humber
Discipline:Social Work
Professor Deirdre McCannFAcSS
Durham University Professor of Law
Areas of Expertise:Law, labour law, domestic & international labour policy, labour market regulation, state norms in low-income settings, regulating flexible work, justice
University of Manchester Chair of Urban and Regional Economics
Areas of Expertise:Regions, cities, productivity, economic geography, trade, innovation, finance, capital, entrepreneurship, technology, human capital, labour, demographics, sustainability, resilience, governance, institutions, policy
Region:North West
Discipline:Economics & Econometrics
Professor Duncan McCargoFAcSS
University of Copenhagen Professor of Political Science and Director of the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies
Areas of Expertise:Politics, political science, Asian studies, comparative & international politics, the nature of power, state power, regime legitimacy, Asian politics, Thailand
University College London (UCL) Brian Simon Professor of the History of Education
Areas of Expertise:Education, history of education, practices & society, school leaving age, historical education perspectives, social change, social organisation of education studies
University of Bristol Professor of Socio-Legal Studies
Areas of Expertise:Law, socio-legal studies, social theory, Foucault & governmentality, actor network theory, regulatory systems, decision-making, collaborative governance, collaborative research methods, knowledge
Aston University Professor of Human Resource Management
Areas of Expertise:Business, human resource management, people management in healthcare, employee experience, management roles, change management, responses to change at work, health services
Lancaster University Distinguished Professor of English Language and Linguistics
Areas of Expertise:Linguistics, English language, economic & social research, challenges in language testing, health of social services, corporate communications, assistance for translators
King's College London Vice Dean for Research of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Public Policy and Professor of Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, public policy, gender, poverty, violence, urban issues, Latin America, migrants in London, informal economies, transnational livelihoods, citizenship, gendered violence
King's College London Professor in Social and Public Policy and Executive Dean for the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy
Areas of Expertise:Policy, social policy, public policy, gender, care, work, older workers, the care sector, evidence & policy analysis, working lives, health
Areas of Expertise:Childhood, disability, sociology of family, medical sociology, qualitative methodologies, participatory and creative methodological approaches
University of Manchester Head of Alliance Manchester Business School
Areas of Expertise:Finance, accounting, business, accounting ethics, corporate accountability, private governance, global supply chains, investment, state investments, theological perspectives on accounting, money
Areas of Expertise:Business, finance, journalism, media, economics & politics, writer & broadcaster, public commentary, analysis, economic commentary, political analysis, public media writing
Institute for Employment Studies Principal Associate
Areas of Expertise:Economics, labour economics, labour markets, employment policy issues, national labour markets, unemployment, skills, labour market flexibility, changing patterns of work
Areas of Expertise:Health inequalities, systems science approaches, social determinants of health, economic determinants of health, climate adaptation/mitigation & health inequalities, alcohol policy
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, research, impact, maternal mind-mindedness, transmission mechanisms & predicting development, early adulthood, development mechanisms, developmental psychology, human life development stages
King's College London Professor of European & International Politics
Areas of Expertise:European Union, German and UK politics, foreign policy, security and defence policy, political communication, news media, post-crisis learning, warnings, prevention, risk, foresight, intelligence
University of Bristol Professor of the History of Political Economy
Areas of Expertise:History, history of political economy, interdisciplinary British history, post-war economics, professions, post-war economic policy, economic history, social history, British history
Institute for Educational & Social Equity Professor of Educational Leadership and Social Justice
Areas of Expertise:Equality, educational equality, social equality, leadership, educational administration & management, equity in education & society, power & education, educational policy
University of Oxford Nuffield Professor of Sociology & Director, Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, demography, life course, sociogenomics, biodemography, fertility, employment, work-family reconciliation, work schedules, family dynamics, business life, health, COVID-19, behaviour, media
Areas of Expertise:Politics, political Islam, Middle Eastern politics, national & ethnic conflict management, comparative ethnic conflict, religion & peace-building, divided societies, Africa
University of Manchester Professor of Global Urbanism
Areas of Expertise:Development, global development issues, environment, global urbanism, urbanisation, education, urban community, urban inequality & poverty, urban poverty reduction, civil society
University of Bristol Professor of Sociology, Politics and Public Policy and Director of the Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship
Areas of Expertise:Multiculturalism, ethnic minorities, racial equality, British Muslims, religion in public life, secularism, national identity, islamophobia, cultural racism
University of Birmingham Professor of Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social policy, criminology, charity work, social need, voluntary sectors, organisations, the logic of charity, impacts of aid organisations, need
University College London (UCL) Founder and Director of the Institute for Global Prosperity
Areas of Expertise:Anthropology, global prosperity, social anthropology, gender, gender theory, material & symbolic gender systems, identity, sexuality, social transformations, cultural history, Africa
University of Glasgow Director of the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit
Areas of Expertise:Agent based modelling, population health sciences, health inequalities, social determinants of health, evaluation, complex interventions
Anglia Ruskin University Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation
Areas of Expertise:Management, employment relations, human resource management, organisational behaviour, research on work, employment research, work, innovation & change, unions, economics, labour
Loughborough University Emeritus Professor of Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, natural history, psychological management of insomnia, insomnia therapy, epidemiology of sleep, longitudinal studies, health ageing, sleep quality, health, wellbeing
London School of Economics & Political Science Albert O. Hirschman Professor of History and Philosophy of Economics
Areas of Expertise:Economics, economic history, philosophy of economics, history, sociology of science, statistics, models, measurements, experiments, narratives in sciences, measuring economic activity
University of Sussex Emeritus Professor of Higher Education in the Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research
Areas of Expertise:Education, social work, equity, gender, micropolitics, women, women in leadership, power & policy in international higher education, higher education, policy
University College London (UCL) Visiting Professor in Planning
Areas of Expertise:Planning, built environment, effective practice, spatial planning, infrastructure delivery planning, major infrastructure projects, local authority housing, smart cities, public policy
Department For Transport Deputy Director - Local Transport
Areas of Expertise:Head of a division of 30 economists, transport modellers and social researchers providing evidence and analysis to Government on local transport
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Economics & Econometrics
Emeritus Professor Caroline O N MoserFAcSS
University of Manchester Emeritus Professor
Areas of Expertise:Global South urban development and social policy, gender planning/transformation, intergenerational poverty/asset accumulation, urban violence, climate change asset adaptation
University of Sheffield Emeritus Professor of Economics
Areas of Expertise:Economics, economic development, economic history, social policy, politics of economic policy-making, poverty, poverty reduction, the poverty trap, finance against poverty
Soas, University Of London Professor of Social Anthropology
Areas of Expertise:Anthropology, sociology, social anthropology, South Asia, India, activism, environmental history, natural resource management, anthropology of Christianity, popular religion, mental health
University of Oxford Professor of Socio-Legal Studies
Areas of Expertise:Law, socio-legal studies, legal theory, sociology, government, public law, dispute resolution, legal systems, lawyers experience of systems, business, distribution industry
University College London (UCL) Professor of Collective Intelligence, Public Policy and Social Innovation
Areas of Expertise:Policy, collective intelligence, public policy, social innovation, innovation, government, performance, government strategy, political policy, reporting, journalism, media, telecommunications, design, leadership
Areas of Expertise:Law, law & gender, criminal justice, sexual offences, domestic violence, jury decision-making, legal processes, social justice, asylum & refugees, policy
Soas, University Of London AXA Professor of Global Finance
Areas of Expertise:Finance, global finance, business, management, management trends in global fiancé, inclusive fiancé, financial institutions, markets & instruments, financial modelling & forecasting
Durham University Honorary Professor and Specialist Advisor to the LUHC Select Committee of the House of Commons
Areas of Expertise:Public sector audit, local government and local government finance, value for money of public services, accountability, Parliamentary scrutiny
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Finance & Accountancy
Professor Elizabeth MurphyFAcSS
University of Leicester
Areas of Expertise:Medical sociology, health and social care
Region:East Midlands
Professor Emma MurphyFAcSS
Durham University Professor of Political Economy
Areas of Expertise:Politics, political economy, government, international affairs, Middle East, North Africa, Arab-Israeli conflict & politics, youth, youth policy, information & technologies
Nottingham Trent University Professor of Public Policy and Management
Areas of Expertise:Public Policy and Management Central Government Policy and Delivery Local Government Policy Delivery and Public Assurance Emergency Services Housing and Planning Leisure and Recreation.
Lancaster University Emeritus Professor of Rhetoric and Communication
Areas of Expertise:Linguistics, language, English language, social contexts of literature, written academic texts, politeness, cohesion, narrative structure, commonplaces, illustration, sociology & science
Areas of Expertise:Social policy, public affairs, campaigning, support and community-based services, communications, leadership and management of complex organisations
University of Arizona Professor of Urban Planning and Real Estate Development
Areas of Expertise:Planning, urban planning, real estate development, landscape architecture & planning, demographics & the built environment, transit-oriented development, efficient development patterns
University of Kent Former Professor of Social Welfare
Areas of Expertise:Measurement of outcome, costs and quality in social care, housing and care of older people, and economic evaluation of social welfare interventions
Region:South East
Professor Daniel NettleFAcSS
Northumbria University Professor of Community Wellbeing
University of the Highlands and Islands Professor of Public Folklore
Areas of Expertise:International relations, European culture, heritage, history, culture, community relations, heritage projects, awareness of the potential of heritage in society, culture
Royal Holloway, University of London Emeritus Professor (Social Work)
Areas of Expertise:Social work, psychoanalysis, gender, organisation, leadership in the NHS, postnatal depression, domestic abuse, sexuality, overactive bladder, food & body size
Areas of Expertise:Inclusive education, particularly inclusive pedagogy, research methods education/pedagogy, qualitative methodology, inclusive research, belonging/inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities
Areas of Expertise:Politics, government, government politics, business law, international studies, parliament, legislative studies, the British policy, history of parliament trust, higher education
University College London (UCL) Professor of Child and Family Policy
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, fatherhood, paternalism, family life, parenting policy, parenting support focus, parental care, work-life balance, child welfare, gender equality, women, motherhood
University of Leicester Pro-Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Head of the College of Social Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, labour markets, sociology of work, transitions to and from the labour market, labour, human relations, equality, diversity, transitions, work
Areas of Expertise:Economics, international money, funding, world bank, treasury, politics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic theory, higher education, management, leadership, strategic planning, behavioural economics
Areas of Expertise:Politics, economics, international economics, investment, charity work, education, economic history, educational philanthropy, banking, finance, global markets, economic trends, political economics
Areas of Expertise:Economics, economic history, European economic history, international economics, history of globalisation, deglobalisation, globalisation & history, trade, war, world economy, policy
British Council Head of Assessment Research and Development
Areas of Expertise:Language, language assessment, socio-cognitive test development model, communication of test validation, test localisation, validation, test projects, linguistics, language learning, education
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, criminology, critical theory, innovative biographical theory, culture & participatory research methodologies, the production of praxis, public policy, knowledge, leadership
University College London (UCL) Professor of Sociology and Founding Director of the Social Science Research Unit
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, author, sex, sexuality, gender, housework, childbirth, social science, evidence-based public policy, methodologies of research, methodologies of evaluation, body, mind
University of Oxford Professor of Philosophy of Education and Research Policy
Areas of Expertise:Research, meta-research, higher education, philosophy of research, research in teacher education, responsible research and engagement
Cardiff University Professor of Management and Organisation
Areas of Expertise:Work, employment, organisation and marketing interface, ethnic minorities in employment, race relations, anti-racism, equality, diversity and inclusion
University of Oxford Chichele Professor of Economic History
Areas of Expertise:Institutions, guilds, serfdom, gender, consumption, trade, retailing, demography, finance, social capital, state capacity, social disciplining, epidemics
University of Surrey Professor of Political Theory and Education Policy
Areas of Expertise:Politics, political theory, education policy, liberalism, neoliberalism, social democracy, political philosophy & education, education policy, globalisation, citizenship, democracy, political economy
The Open University Professor of Public Management
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, public management, higher education, international public services, international & supranational organisations, public policy, administration, organisational structure, management strategy
University of Glasgow Emeritus Professor (School of Social & Political Sciences)
Areas of Expertise:Politics, social work, social work education, learning, teaching, gender, community care, gender in social work, practice of social work, society
University of Kent Emeritus Professor of Economic & Cultural History
Areas of Expertise:History, research, Dutch history, Dutch culture, early modern English & European economic & cultural history, early modern commercial history, modernisation
University of Essex Professor of Law/ Dean of Essex Law School
Areas of Expertise:Business and governance, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, multinational enterprises, regulation, responsible business, social reporting, sustainability/sustainable development
University of Southampton Professor of Social and Political Philosophy
Areas of Expertise:Migration, refugees, global migration governance, citizenship, democracy, republicanism, power, global justice, political realism, post-Kantian social and political philosophy, the Frankfurt School
University of Southampton Professor of Demography and Global Health
Areas of Expertise:Demography, global health, poverty, sexual health, reproductive health, fertility, statistics, labour migration, regional expertise, family demography, impacts of poverty, health
Region:South East
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
University of Kent Professor Emeritus of Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Policy, social policy, social policy research, policy development, leadership, health, control & allocation of money within the family, domestic violence
University of Reading Professor of Real Estate Development
Areas of Expertise:Urban and regional studies, sustainability, planning, governance, real estate, globalization, world city network, global city regions, economic geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, human geography, disasters, violence & recovery, gender-based violence, women, community trauma, urbanisation, transgender issues, feminist theories, sexual abuse, geopolitics
University of Oxford Emeritus Professor, School of Geography and the Environment
Areas of Expertise:Geography, human geography, penal geography, space & gender, geography of punishment, Russia, criminology, theory, geography of Russian peasantry, socialism, class
University of Stirling Chief Architect for Dementia Services Development Centre
Areas of Expertise:Health, dementia, ageing, architecture, technology, built environment, urban planning, environments impact on health, healthy ageing & dementia, cognitive ageing, homes
Ulster University Emeritus Professor of Housing Studies
Areas of Expertise:Public policy analysis, demographic analysis, political economy of recreational angling
Region:Northern Ireland
Discipline:Geography & Geospatial
Professor Alison ParkCBE FAcSS
Economic And Social Research Council Deputy Executive Chair
Areas of Expertise:Research, economic & social research, longitudinal studies, value, impact, research teams, understanding society, British social attitudes survey, European social survey
Region:South West
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
City, University of London Professor of International Politics
Areas of Expertise:Elites, US foreign policy, race in world politics, class conflict, imperial wars, Anglo-American relations, global knowledge politics, think tanks
Areas of Expertise:City governance, global urbanism, African cities, sustainable development goals (SDG 11), strategic planning for cities and regions, national urban policy
University of Glasgow Professor of Human Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, earth sciences, health, mental health, nature-encounters, political activism, collaborative methods, geographies of emotion, creative geohumanities, cultural geography, social geography
London Metropolitan University Principal Researcher/Consultant
Areas of Expertise:Evaluation
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Social Policy
Professor David ParsonsFAcSS
P&A Research and Consulting Principal Consultant
Areas of Expertise:Programme evaluation, public policy evaluation, impact evaluation, theory-based evaluation, public policy research, evaluation strategy, evaluation consultancy and advice
Region:South East
Professor Martin PartingtonCBE FAcSS
University of Bristol Emeritus Professor of Law
Areas of Expertise:Housing law and regulation, alternative dispute resolution, administrative justice and tribunals, the English legal system
University of California, Los Angeles Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Political Science
Areas of Expertise:Political theory, democratic theory, participatory democratic theory, feminist political theory, theories of an original contract, basic income, settler colonial studies
Areas of Expertise:Law, legal services, alternatives to legal services, law lords, professional legal studies, judges, political elite, judicial independence, judicial appointment, justice
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, work psychology, charity sector, international organisations, organisational psychology, assessment, selection, innovation in organisations, applied psychology, medicine, designing selection processes
Areas of Expertise:Environmental gerontologist, housing health and social care, housing policy, age-friendly cities and communities, inclusive design, later life living, meaning of home to experiencing climate change
Areas of Expertise:Cross-national/global leadership and change, careers, global mindset, CEO learning, top team effectiveness, responsible business leadership, executive development
Newcastle University Professor of Urban Conservation
Areas of Expertise:Architecture, conservation values, social purpose, strategies of management, conservation in the age of consensus, cultural heritage policy, inclusion, regeneration, values
University of East Anglia Emeritus Reader, School of Health Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Social work/social care - older people, social gerontology, violence/abuse against older people, institutional abuse, intimate partner violence, ethics
Areas of Expertise:Economics, open economy macroeconomics, currency substitution, capital flows, exchange rate modelling, policy, financial repression, liberalisation, international monetary economics, macroeconomics, finance
University of Birmingham Professor of Migration and Superdiversity
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social policy, criminology, new migration, superdiversity, migrant integration, settlement, organisational adaptation, migrant welfare needs, small scale refugee, third sector
London School of Economics & Political Science Graham Wallas Professor of Political Science
Areas of Expertise:Political theory especially of equality/ inequality: feminist political theory; multiculturalism; democracy and political representation
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Politics & International Relations
Professor David G PhillipsFAcSS
University of Oxford Emeritus Professor of Comparative Education; Emeritus Fellow of St Edmund Hall
Areas of Expertise:Comparative education, history of education, especially Germany, journal editing
Areas of Expertise:Geography, historical & cultural geography, rural geographies, mental ill-health in rural communities, social geographies of outsiders, group theory, children, animals
University College London (UCL) Professor of Psychosocial Studies
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, Denmark, childhood, gender, Germany, masculinity, racialisation, research methodology, Netherlands, Sweden, narrative methods, social psychology, shared cultures, identity, social identities
Areas of Expertise:Politics, history, international relations, national security, intelligence, security studies, geopolitics, intelligence futures, cultures of intelligence, intelligence ethics, oversight, accountability, technology
Lancaster University Emeritus Professor of Management Science
Areas of Expertise:Management, health systems, simulation & stochastic modelling, STOR-I centre, healthcare modelling, performance measurement, computer simulation, systems modelling, leadership, operational management
Areas of Expertise:Human geography, cultural geography, subjectivity, identity, psychoanalysis, affect, emotions, cities, bodies, space, place, urban sociology, city life
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, youth, youth culture, cultural practices, post-socialist societies, qualitative research, ethnographic research methods, inclusion, exclusion, political participation, subculture, activism, extremism
Manchester Metropolitan University Professor of Language, Medicine and Society
Areas of Expertise:Sociology of health and illness, communication in health and social care, communication training interventions, qualitative methods, conversation analysis
Brunel University London Emeritus Professor, Brunel Law School
Areas of Expertise:Law, child law, family law, policy, youth justice, sentencing, family law & policy, 18th century rural industries, justice, sentencing trends
Cardiff University Emeritus Professor of Social Sciences
Areas of Expertise:Social work, child safeguarding, family support projects, conceptual development, innovation, voluntary & statutory sectors, social care, theories of childhood, evaluation
University of Edinburgh Emeritus Professor of Health Policy Research
Areas of Expertise:Health, health policy, medicine, veterinary medicine, policy research, medical policy, health in society, populations, data, research, urban health, social care
University of Oxford Emeritus Professor of Cognitive Science
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, experimental psychology, mechanisms of change, linguistic development, cognitive development, infants, young children, word recognition, word learning, semantic development, education
Newcastle University Professor of Economic Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, economic geography, geographies of money & finance, regional economic development, postcolonial economies, diverse economies, economic geography as a sub-discipline
Lancaster University Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Public Health
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, public health, health research, health inequalities, communities, control study, local authority, community approaches to health inequality’s, social issues, wellbeing
University of Oxford Professor of Medical Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Organization and delivery of health care, healthcare work and workforce reconfiguration, digital health, qualitative and mixed methods, evidence synthesis
King's College London Professor of Economics and Public Policy
Areas of Expertise:Economics, public policy, economic & social research, UK, European Union, immigration, labour mobility, economic implications of Brexit, fiscal policy, policy
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Head of the Entrepreneurship Policy and Analysis Unit, Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities
Areas of Expertise:Entrepreneurship policies, national start-up ecosystems, regional start-up ecosystems, start-up policies, diversity and inclusion in entrepreneurship, policy evaluation
University of Essex Professor of Sociology and Deputy Dean (Research)
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, sociology of disasters, emergencies, existential threat, sociology of education, class, race, higher education, vocational education, adult education, social inequalities
University of Manchester Professor of Social Gerontology
Areas of Expertise:Pensions, social care, poverty, financing later life, household money, financial consequences of divorce, gender, families especially coupledom
University College London (UCL) Emerita Professor of Education and Health in International Development
Areas of Expertise:Intersectoral planning for health development, nutritional improvement, multi grade education
Region:Greater London
Ms. Gillian PriorFAcSS
NatCen Social Research Deputy Chief Executive
Areas of Expertise:Statistic, surveys, data, analysis, household surveys, longitudinal studies, health studies, biomedical surveys, health & social care policy, survey design, leadership
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
Areas of Expertise:Higher education, especially German/British comparisons (neo-liberalism, institutional mergers and linkages, gender issues), teaching of English to speakers of other languages (ESOL)
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, economics, public policy, quality, health care delivery, health system productivity, consequences of incentives, design of the public sector
Electoral Commission Chair of the Electoral Commission
Areas of Expertise:Politics, public service, statistics, strategy, trustworthiness, quality, value of official statistics, political debate, administration, sustainable development data, statistical analysis, systems
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
Areas of Expertise:Information policy and regulation, data protection and privacy, data ethics, law enforcement, surveillance, information technology, AI
University of Cambridge Professor of Latin American Geography
Areas of Expertise:Social development, indigenous peoples in Latin America, citizenship, leave no one behind policies, intersectional hierarchies, decolonial & postcolonial debates, civil society movements
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social & ethical implications of genetic screening, genetic screening, impact, novel technological application in medicine, pregnancy screening, MRI, pregnancy
Areas of Expertise:Ethnic population projections & estimates, demographic accounting, internal migration analysis, cross national comparisons of internal migration, migration and age relationship, Covid-19 pandemic
Region:Yorkshire And Humber
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
Areas of Expertise:Law, international law, international human rights law, public law, terrorism, Muslim constitutionalism, law development, law reform, policy, inter-faith dialogue
London School of Economics & Political Science Emeritus Professor of Criminology
Areas of Expertise:Criminology, policing, media and crime, political economy of crime, political economy of criminal justice, politics of law and order
Newcastle University Professor Emerita of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociological analysis of gender and sexuality, feminist and queer theory, sexuality and citizenship, LGBTQ politics, anti-gender campaigns, post-trafficking
Nottingham Trent University Professor of Housing and Social Inclusion
Areas of Expertise:Business, innovation, housing, social research, social housing, homelessness, accommodation, Gypsies & Travellers, media discourse, marginalisation, home, place, identity, safety
University of Oxford Research Associate, Department of Social Policy and Intervention
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, industrial sociology, employment, education, policy, demography, family, changing nature of family life, family change & public policy, women, employment
University of Sheffield Professor of Housing and Urban Studies and Head of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Areas of Expertise:Planning, urban studies, housing, geography, social policy, urban society challenges, policy & practice in housing, inequalities, housing structures, community, migration
British Future Director of Research & Relationships
Areas of Expertise:Research, social policy, economic & social research, social impact of migration, workplace automation, integration, immigration, identity, race, inclusivity, culture, identity
University of Essex Emeritus Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social stratification, socio-economic classifications, social comparisons, social order, structures, social institutions, public order, identity, cultural identities, shared cultures, economics
University of Sussex Vice-Chancellor and President
Areas of Expertise:Family, intimacy, personal life, citizenship and social movements, gender and sexuality, care, psychosocial studies, feminist and queer theory
High Oak Enterprises Consultant and Visiting Professor
Areas of Expertise:Practitioner economics, policy economics, and business consultancy, with a special interest in the careers and employability of economics graduates
London Metropolitan University Director of the Global Diversities and Inequalities Research Centre
Areas of Expertise:Migration, refugees, intra-EU mobility, social networks, qualitative network analysis, employment, highly skilled migrants, migrant workers in health care and education
University of Bamberg Professor of Political Science
Areas of Expertise:Houses of Parliament, German Bundestag, legislative organization (especially committees and parliamentary parties), coalitions, text as data
University of Surrey Professor of Organizational Behaviour
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, organisational behaviour, intuition in decision making, the intuitive mind, hubris in leadership, hubris, hubristic leadership, human resource development
University of Birmingham Professor of Business Research Methods
Areas of Expertise:Research methods, research methodology, human resource management, trust, organisational learning, small and medium sized enterprises
The Open University Regius Professor of Open Education
Areas of Expertise:Education, open education, educational technology, public engagement with the sciences, teaching, management, strategy in educational technology, educational policy, computers, learning
University of Nottingham Professor of Economics and Public Policy
Areas of Expertise:Charitable giving, fundraising and philanthropy, public economics, social data science, international tax, political economy, microeconomic theory
Aberystwyth University Professor of Medieval History
Areas of Expertise:History, Welsh history, early fourteenth-century England, medieval English economy, medieval peasantry, village society, economic exchange, credit, debt, great famine, Wales
University of Cambridge Professor of Empirical Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, empirical sociology, gender inequalities, changing gender roles, family & household structures, inter-generational relations, shifts in attitudes, behaviour, life course
European University Institute Professor of European Law
Areas of Expertise:Law, European law, the court of justice in the archives, international agreements, EU legal order, international trade, external differential integration
Areas of Expertise:Policy, social policy, social security, welfare reform, poverty, disability, military transactions, social security policy & practice, marginalised individuals & communities
University of Oxford Professor Emeritus of Education
Areas of Expertise:Education, educational outcomes, enhancing educational outcomes, reading intervention, paired reading, national education programs, attachment, trauma, training in schools, educational attainment
University of Birmingham Professor of Education Research
Areas of Expertise:Teacher supply and teacher quality Improving student learning and wider outcomes. Reviews and syntheses of evidence in education, RCTs , secondary data analysis and in-depth case studies
Region:West Midlands
Professor Sharifah SekalalaFAcSS
University of Warwick Professor of Global Health Law
Lancaster University Professor of Linguistics and Verbal Art
Areas of Expertise:Health communication, communication about cancer, communication about pain, communication about Covid-19, communication about vaccines, metaphor, narrative
Keele University Emeritus Professor in Social Work
Areas of Expertise:Social work, knowledge for evidence-based professional practices, program evaluation, social work with children, families, elderly care, applied professional ethics, research
University of Sussex Professor of Social Work Research
Areas of Expertise:Social work, information gathering, children, families, child & family social policy & practice, local & national policy, ethics, child safeguarding
Areas of Expertise:Scholarly publishing, research, policy and practice impact, social sciences, global social challenges, social mission publishing, university presses
University College London (UCL) Professor of Archives and Records Management
Areas of Expertise:Archival science, records and information management, access to information, history of archives and archivists in 19th and 20th centuries, women archivists
Areas of Expertise:Management, research ethics, social work, social policy, mental health, social work for mental well-being, social work theory, empirical research concepts
Goldsmiths, University of London Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology
Areas of Expertise:Political and legal anthropology. Policy. Ethnography of organisations. Corruption. European Union. European integration. Research methodologies. Audit culture. Higher education reform. New Zealand.
Newcastle University Duke of Northumberland Chair of Rural Economy
Areas of Expertise:Gender, agriculture, farm families, socialisation, identity formation, exclusion, rural proofing, levelling up rural areas, social policy
University of Cambridge Professor of Spatial Planning
Areas of Expertise:Planning, spatial analysis, economics, urban & environmental planning, special analysis & modelling, regeneration, technology application, metropolitan modelling, land use
McAdams Principal, Vice President of Urban Planning
Areas of Expertise:Planning, urban planning, land use, parks, public space planning, diversity, equity, inclusion, regional & national organisations, leadership, innovation, urban thinking
University College London (UCL) Visiting Professor at Bartlett School of Planning
Areas of Expertise:Urban economics, urban history, town and country planning, urban regeneration, urban theory, urban design
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Architecture & Built Environment
Professor David SimonFAcSS
Royal Holloway, University of London Professor of Development Geography
Areas of Expertise:Cities and climate change, urban sustainability/resilience, regional and national planning, comparative urban research, transdisciplinarity research, policy and practice
University of Edinburgh Emeritus Professor of Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Policy, social policy, social security, taxation & social policy, social division of welfare, unemployment, poverty, privilege, inequality, policy development, equality
University of Cambridge Professor of Disability and Inclusive Education
Areas of Expertise:Educational and social inclusion, educational enrolment and participation, inclusive learning outcomes, effective pedagogy, researching with marginalised groups, ethics of research dissemination
London School of Economics & Political Science Distinguished Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Inequality, injustice, discrimination
Region:Greater London
Professor Diana SladeFAcSS
The Australian National University Professor of Applied Linguistics, Director of the Institute for Communication in Health Care
Areas of Expertise:Healthcare communication, the description of spoken English, linguistics, applied linguistics, organisational communication, translational research design
Dublin City University Founding Director, Higher Education Research Centre (HERC)
Areas of Expertise:Lifelong learning, comparative policy analysis (higher education), demographic change, ageing populations, gender inequality, universities and social engagement
Areas of Expertise:Geography, new social geographies, economics geography, excluded societies, segregation, transient societies, studentification, university towns, student populations, higher education, rural gentrification
University of Strathclyde Professor of Public Health Policy
Areas of Expertise:Public health policy, health inequalities, evidence use, knowledge translation, research impact, qualitative methods, policy analysis
Areas of Expertise:Social work, communities, social justice, politicking anti-social behaviour, longitudinal evaluation, global child welfare, youth justice, criminology, policy, youth crime, children
University of Cambridge Honorary Professor of Social and Economic Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, economic geography, human geography, housing studies, research management, research strategy, inequality, residential segregation, housing, health, crime, housing economy, finance
University of Leeds Professor of Law and Social Justice
Areas of Expertise:Socio-legal studies, with focus on the culture and regulation of the legal profession, diversity in the profession (especially gender), access to justice, legal aid and citizenship and the state
University of Bristol Professor in Sociology of Consumption and Organisation
Areas of Expertise:Consumption, innovation, temporalities, everyday life, theories of practice, environmental sustainability, digital technologies, futures, food, inequalities
Areas of Expertise:Policy, energy policy, social innovation for energy transition, fuel & transport poverty, access to energy, policy development, government, energy justice
University of Exeter Al-Qasimi Chair of Arab Gulf Studies and Professor of Middle East Politics
Areas of Expertise:Politics, regional studies, Arab Gulf studies, Middle East politics, economics, cultural differences, military studies, social stability, nationalism movements, regional divisions
The Open University Professor of Social Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, social psychology, process, relationality, transdisciplinary approaches, psycho-social programs, citizenship, identities, governance, history of psychology, methodology, process thought, ontology, liminality
University of Glasgow Ian Mctaggart Chair in Land, Property and Urban Studies (Urban Studies)
Areas of Expertise:Politics, urban studies, systems of housing, organisation, social structures, economic structures, international comparative research, housing, welfare regimes, policy transfer, economies
University College London (UCL) Professor of Psychology and Epidemiology
Areas of Expertise:Psychological and social factors in health and disease, population ageing, behaviour change, psychophysiology psychological wellbeing
University of Oxford Professor Emeritus of Development Economics
Areas of Expertise:Development, appropriate technology, basic needs, adjustment, poverty, development during conflict, group behaviour, horizontal inequalities, human development, development economics, globalisation, modernisation
University of Glasgow Professor of Business History and Director of the Centre for Business History
Areas of Expertise:History, business history, economic history, social history, 20th century German business, German economic history, comparative business history, history of technology
Durham University Professor of Modern British History
Areas of Expertise:Poverty, social class, death, bereavement, charity, fundraising, inequality, history of emotion, fatherhood, family, welfare, animals, pedigree dogs, pets
University of East Anglia Emeritus Professor of Politics
Areas of Expertise:Politics, the politics of copyright, politics of popular music, the popularization of politics, celebrity politicians, cultural value, cultural policy, culture
University of Leeds Montague Burton Professor of Human Resource Management and Employment Relations
Areas of Expertise:Business, work, employment relations, digitalisation, future of work, social protection of workers, platform economy, policy, trade-unions, union modernisation, labour markets
London School of Economics & Political Science Professor of Quantitative Social Science
Areas of Expertise:Quantitative research, survey and statistical methods, social and political behaviour, public opinion dynamics, intergenerational social mobility, public attitudes to science and technology
Region:Greater London
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
School of Advanced Study, University of London Director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Areas of Expertise:Law, legal studies, gender, sexuality, tort law, law & popular culture, legal methods and systems, academic administration, governance, justice, policy
Areas of Expertise:Law, legal studies, institutions, leadership, legal education, law in history, legal professions & cultural authority, protection policy, making law humanistic
University of Manchester Emeritus Professor of Modern History
Areas of Expertise:History, British history, women’s war history, British soldiers, British military history, histories of the self, personal narratives, oral shared history
Areas of Expertise:Regional economics, spatial economics and econometrics, Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Integrated modelling and applied systems analysis, ecological economics.
University of Southampton Professor of Economic Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, human geography, regional studies, economic resilience, urban areas, structural transformation, city economic revolutions, third sector organisations, evolutionary economic geography
Areas of Expertise:Business, marketing, sociology, business research, conceptualising consumer behaviour, understanding social issues, policy issues, consumption, understanding the consumer, marketplaces, lifestyle, culture
University of Birmingham Chair in Strategy and International Business
Areas of Expertise:Business, international business, strategy, business strategy, global strategy, human resource management, organisational behaviour, mergers & acquisitions, strategic agility, ambidexterity, resilience
University of Sussex Emeritus Professor in Social Work and Social Care
Areas of Expertise:Social work, social care, social work practitioner, higher education, interprofessional learning for social work, learning & teaching in social work
University of Strathclyde Professor of Work and Employment Studies
Areas of Expertise:Business, work, employment studies, human resource management, community of practice, international higher education, impact, resilience, call centres, offshoring, technology, employability
University of Cambridge Professor of Sociology Emeritus Fellow
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, contemporary social & political theory, sociology of the media, modern culture, social organisation of the media industries, publishing, technology
University of Sussex Professor of Childhood and Youth Studies
Areas of Expertise:Education, social work, social care, transitions & the life course, young people’s sexual cultures, qualitative longitudinal methods, digital childhood, youth
University of Birmingham Vice-Chancellor and Principal
Areas of Expertise:Geography, economic geography, political economy & regulation of finance, English regionalism, economic common sense, bureaucracy, energy, industrial strategy, charity, administration
King's College London Professor of Social Gerontology
Areas of Expertise:Gerontology, ageing, social processes, education, government, health, social policy, global health, social medicine, housing, assistive technology, family care, older women
Newcastle University Professor of Educational Inclusion, Director of Institute for Social Science
Areas of Expertise:Community school place-based partnerships, child poverty, co-production, activism in and through universities, social justice, youth voice and participation, video interaction guidance, narrative
University of Manchester Sir William Mather Professor of Russian Studies
Areas of Expertise:International studies, area studies, Russian studies, East European studies, modern languages, cultures, state-sponsored media, global communication, television, national identities, nationalism
University of Brighton Emeritus Professor of Leisure Studies
Areas of Expertise:Leisure, sport, leisure studies, cultural studies, sport as a part of critical sociology, consumption, innovative investigative sociology, sport & spectacle
Areas of Expertise:Pensions and household savings, annuities and life insurance, fund management, market microstructure, institutional investors, directors trading
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, social psychology, addressing sexual violence at universities, hate crimes & hate incidents, mental health, prisoner suicide, prisons, prison psychology
Areas of Expertise:Economic and social history of modern Britain and continental Europe, social history of British elites, origins and impact of the leaders of industrial towns and cities
University of Surrey Professor of Tourism and Subject Group Leader
Areas of Expertise:Tourism, sustainability, epistemology, education in tourism, higher education, hospitality, sustainable tourism, international research, impacts of tourism, economics of tourism, trends
Areas of Expertise:Social work, social housing, neighbourhoods, inequality, operation & impact of housing & neighbourhood policy, housing variations, regionalist, public participation, politics
University of Kent Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Social and cultural gerontology, embodiment and age, sociology of dress, health and social care, the bodywork of care, informal care
University of Hull Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Business, Law and Politics, and Professor of Social and Political Thought
Areas of Expertise:Applied ethics, social justice, free society, tolerance, civic empowerment, common good, democratic theory and practice, civil disobedience, intellectual history
Areas of Expertise:Social inequalities, social theory, social abjection, stigma power, race and anti-racism, borders and citizenship, welfare, poverty, historical methods and approaches, community engagement.
Areas of Expertise:Politics, employment, sponsorship, financial inclusion, social work, politics, government, NHS foundation trust, charity, government organisations, democracy, leadership
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, health psychology, expert witness, psychometrics, neuropsychology, counselling, psychologists as expert witnesses, young people, children, youth challenges, women’s mental health
Areas of Expertise:Health, gerontology, public health, ageing, ageing & later life, wellbeing across the life course, loneliness & isolation, social context, elderly
University of Cambridge Professor of Political Economy
Areas of Expertise:Geography, political economy, environmental & development economics, political economy, study of institutions, institutional change, public policy in the developing world
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, racism, ethnicity, nationalism, historical sociology, political sociology, class, social movements, theory, making the modern world, modernisation, globalisation, social justice
University of Southampton Professor of Gerontology and Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Ageing over the lifecourse, social care, informal care, health inequalities, living arrangements, intergenerational support, pension protection, ethnic minorities
University College London (UCL) Emeritus Professor in Behavioural Science and Health
Areas of Expertise:Longitudinal studies from and before birth of lifetime change in health, cognition, socioeconomic circumstances, education, and way of life
London School of Economics & Political Science Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, work, employment, science, technology, gender, women in data science, artificial intelligence, sociology of work, employment, gender theory, temporality, innovation
University of Gloucestershire Visiting Professor of Environment, Land Use and Rural Strategy
Areas of Expertise:Rural development, development strategy, sustainability
Region:South West
Professor Sylvia WalbyOBE FAcSS
Royal Holloway, University of London Professor of Criminology
Areas of Expertise:Theory of society, gender regimes, violence and society, measuring violence, globalization, European Union, complex systems, intersectionality, mainstreaming, data, indicators
University of Sheffield Professor of Social Policy and Social Gerontology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social policy, social gerontology, social analysis, social planning, concept of social quality, volunteer sector, quality of later life, collaboration
University of Manchester Emeritus Professor of Finance and Accounting
Areas of Expertise:Accounting and capital markets, causes and effects of voluntary financial disclosure, earnings management, and accounting conservatism, financial reporting regulation
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, criminology, security, cybercrime, cybersecurity, policing, data theft, organised crime, intellectual property crime, identity theft, popular cultures, criminal justice, law
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, cultural tourism, digital working, social policy, European societies, comparative study of European societies, media tourism, childcare, family, social dynamics
University of Sheffield Professor of Town and Regional Planning
Areas of Expertise:Planning, urban studies, town & regional planning, submarket structure & operation of local property markets, property market performance, public policy
Glasgow Caledonian University Chair in Social Work
Areas of Expertise:Social work, inclusion, well-being, social theory, evidence-based practice, risk, neoliberalism, ethics, values in social work, politics, community, global agendas, identity
University of Birmingham Chair in Legal Education and Research and Head of Birmingham Law School
Areas of Expertise:Law, regulation, education, ethicality of law, professionalism of the legal profession, access to justice, rule of law concerns, legal ethics
University of Glasgow Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Urban Studies
Areas of Expertise:Unemployment, economic inactivity, labour market, deindustrialisation, welfare conditionality, social security, urban studies, social deprivation, housing, urban regeneration
King's College London Professor of Psychology as applied to Medicine
Areas of Expertise:Psychology, psychology as applied to medicines, cancer, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology & neuroscience, beliefs about illness, self-regulation self-management, health, public health
Areas of Expertise:Urban and regional economic, spatial and transport policies
Region:West Midlands
Professor Michael A WestCBE FAcSS
Lancaster University Professor of Organizational Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Health service and public sector culture and leadership, effectiveness, team working, compassionate leadership for compassionate public services
University of Birmingham Professor of International Relations
Areas of Expertise:Political science, international studies, international relations, conflict, cooperation, security, cooperation, world politics, geopolitics, globalisation, trust-building, drones, nuclear sovereignty, trusting enemies
Global Policy Institute Deputy Director & Head of UK Futures Programme
Areas of Expertise:Economics, econometrics, economic theory, economic history, rationality & modernity, global finance & urban living, culture of anarchy, Max Weber, money
Areas of Expertise:Ageing, work, inter-generational, education, training, local economies, social policy, governance, third sector, inter sectional practice, user involvement and experience
University College London (UCL) M. B. Grabowski Professor of Polish Studies and Social and Political Science
Areas of Expertise:International studies, Polish studies, effects on language learning, Polish complementary schools in the UK, COVID-19, social change in Europe, migration
University of Sheffield Emeritus Professor of Social Work
Areas of Expertise:Social work, sociology, professional judgement, decision-making, formal knowledge, rhetoric, moral judgement, motion & subjectivity, professional practice, child health & welfare
London School of Economics & Political Science Professor Emeritus in Housing Economics
Areas of Expertise:Economics, housing economics, planning & housing relationships, the role of private renting, English & European housing systems, financing social housing
University of Essex Emeritus Professor of Government
Areas of Expertise:Politics, government, public opinion, electoral behaviour, voting, opinion polls, political economy, political methodology, British political parties, comparative analysis of citizenship
University of Exeter Professor of Economic and Social History
Areas of Expertise:History of late medieval and early modern England especially: gender, work, economic development, household economies, property rights, consumption and material culture
Areas of Expertise:Social research, transport services, transport planning, criminal justice, policing, central and local government services, environmental issues
Region:South East
Discipline:Psychology (social & behavioural)
Dr. Rebekah WiddowfieldFAcSS
University of St Andrews Vice-Principal (People and Diversity)
University of Hamburg Professor of Political Science & Global Governance
Areas of Expertise:International relations, norms, contestation, international law, global governance, citizenship, justice, social contract, climate change, knowledge production
Areas of Expertise:Social security law and policy, child support law and policy, freedom of information law
Region:Greater London
Dr. Joanna WildeFAcSS
Consultant Organisation Psychologist
Areas of Expertise:Psychosocial factors in workplace health, organisational change and intervention design, member of HSE Workplace Health Expert Committee
Region:South West
Discipline:Psychology (social & behavioural)
Professor Tim WildschutFAcSS
University of Southampton Professor of Social and Personality Psychology
Areas of Expertise:Politics, economic policy, health, public health, health institutions, social security, security policy, education, higher education, sciences, technology
University of Surrey Professor in Tourism and Mobility Studies
Areas of Expertise:Migration, mobility, tourism, innovation, risk and uncertainty, productivity, entrepreneurship, labour migration, retirement migration, tourism demand
University of Leeds Emeritus Professor of Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, social policy, critical approaches to social policy, gender, race, disability & class in welfare states, ethics of care, migration
Areas of Expertise:Social research methods, methodology, realism, complexity, quantitative methods, social statistics, quantitative pedagogy, researching Cornwall
Dr. Peter R WilliamsFAcSS
University of Cambridge Departmental Fellow, Department of Land Economy
Areas of Expertise:Planning, housing, land economy, housing & planning, government, industry, national housing, housing policy, housing finance, housing markets, housing history, access
University of Warwick Emeritus Professor of Sociology
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, politics, science, technology, body matters & embodiment, sleep, health, society, bioscience, biotechnology, biomedicine, new digital technologist, bodily enhancement, humanity
Areas of Expertise:Politics, constructing social values as political strategy, religion, why Europe is lesbian and gay friendly, religious factions, sexuality, gender, divergence
Cardiff University Blackwell Professor of Law and Society
Areas of Expertise:Law, politics, devolution, territorial governance, public attitudes, public opinion, constitutional law & politics, comparative welfare state theory & analysis, policy
London School of Economics & Political Science Visiting Professor in Social Policy
Areas of Expertise:Policy, social policy, health, health, primary care, health policy, wellbeing, scientific advice, integrated care & support pioneer programme, program evaluations
Lancaster University Emeritus Distinguished Professor, Personal Chair
Areas of Expertise:Discourse studies, argumentation theory, (national) identity politics, political communication, research on racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism, media communication, populism, EU-Identity/ies
Western University DanCap Chair of Innovation and Head of DAN Management
Areas of Expertise:Business, management, organisational studies, change, private equity, international business, human resource, human resource management, professionalisation, politics, employability, organisational structure, development
Areas of Expertise:Work psychology, human resource management, employment relations, well-being, work–home interface, flexible working, employee Involvement, payment systems, job design, abuse at work
Aberystwyth University Professor of Human Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, earth sciences, global countryside, reconstitution of rural areas under globalisation, politics of the rural, rural policy, inequalities, community, governance
University of Oxford Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government and Professor of Global Economic Governance
Areas of Expertise:Politics, governance, global economic governance, governance of organisations, challenges of globalisation, global development, role of international institutions, infrastructure, investment, development
University of Essex Director of the UK Data Archive
Areas of Expertise:Data, social statistics, data protection regulation, georeferencing digitized historical collections, technological development, computer science, data archives, managing & sharing data
Region:East Of England
Discipline:Demography, Social Statistics & Methods
The Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development Researcher
Discipline:Regional Studies & Development
Emeritus Professor Alison WrayFAcSS
Cardiff University Research Professor in Language and Communication
Areas of Expertise:Formulaic language, dementia communication
Professor Ian WrayFAcSS
University of Liverpool Honorary Professor
Areas of Expertise:What makes plans successful, regional development, regional inequalities, cities, innovation, revitalisation, creativity, built heritage, high speed rail
University of Glasgow Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
Areas of Expertise:Policy, social policy, urban studies, British welfare reforms, international & comparative perspectives, lived experiences of welfare reform, concepts of agency
University of Southampton Professor of Human Geography
Areas of Expertise:Geography, human geography, environmental sciences, the geography of retail & consumption, consumerism, consumer demands, marketing, consumer trends, food poverty, policy
Cardiff University Director of the Wales Governance Centre and Professor of Welsh Politics
Areas of Expertise:Law, politics, contemporary Welsh politics, territorial governance in the UK, nationalism, political impacts of Englishness, the Welsh criminal justice system
Areas of Expertise:Spatial planning, integrated masterplanning, urban design, 21st century garden cities, digitalisation, place-based systems approach, climate actions, nature-based solutions, social inclusivity
University of Sheffield Professor of Sociology and Director of the Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equalities (CIRCLE)
Areas of Expertise:Sociology, gender, employment, local labour markets, carers, technology, independence in the home, leading sustainable careers, systems, health, welfare, strategy, governance
National University of Singapore Distinguished Professor
Areas of Expertise:Theories and geography of transnational corporations, global production networks and global value chains, East Asian firms and developmental states, global electronics industry
Singapore University of Technology and Design Professorial Fellow
Areas of Expertise:Urban planning and design, built environment and health, age-friendly neighbourhoods/housing, liveable sustainable cities, mixed methods research
University of Edinburgh Professor of Economic and Social History
Areas of Expertise:Economic history, seventieth century colonial commerce, imperial regulation, mercantilism, piracy, smuggling, merchant diasporas, the slave trade, legacies of slavery, the copper industry, industrial technology
Discipline:History (social & economic)
Professor Maja ZehfussFAcSS
University of Copenhagen Professor of International Politics
Areas of Expertise:Politics, the politics of making migrants, migration, conflict, hierarchies of political subjectivity, contemporary global politics, temporality, memory, ethics, war, humanity
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